First Elk Blood 2016

Nice, Matt...way to break the ice !

I had a 45 yd broadside shot one Season on what I thought was a nice-sized mature was the last hours of our last evening so I didn\'t hesitate to take her. When I approached her after waiting awhile, and got a good look at her...I thought \"what the hell\" :wtf:

Probably weighed less than 250 pounds on the hoof. My buddy and I packed her out a mile straight uphill fairly easily. proud an elk is an elk !! That one is just more tender !!
Looks like Matt and Matt were neck in neck on 1st blood... :upthumb: :upthumb:

mandrroofing got a big old fat cow on August 28th also.... :D :D

Check out his post on 2016 Elk Meat Pole....

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