Looks good Brad! I never was quite sure how to build a hail net but still let enough sun shine through. Anxious to see what you come up with - figure it will be from something a neighbor left on the side of the road like your smoker box from a grill. Brilliant!
Actually got down below freezing here this weekend too. May set stuff back a little but sunshine and 70s rest of the week. Hope my peach tree didn't get too cold.
I?m in T-Town on the other part of the state and I normally plant the hot crops around the 15th. Seems like that?s always the ?go-to? date in OK to get away from a frost with 99% certainty. I?ll probably plant on the 14th. Thanks for starting this thread & love seeing the progress!
Careful putting out dates Brad - you'll get hail June 30th if putting up in July! At least that's my luck.
Okieelk, yeah, I'm a little SW of OKC. Agree on the next crops - have green beans, okra, cucumbers up then tomatoes and peppers to finish out the garden. Will put some garlic, horseradish and shallots in pots late fall then harvest around June next year. Be sure to add some pics when you get yours going. Love to hear/see what others are doing.
Should be getting a few asparagus shoots every day when the weather warms up.
Looking good Okieelk! I bought tomatoes and peppers this weekend and will put in the ground this week sometime. Mixed up some bone meal, blood meal, epsom salt and calcium nitrate to put in each tomato hole to boost and help with blossom rot. Last year most of my tomatoes had blossom rot on the bottom so trying to prevent it this year.
Having issues sharing files from my phone but will update some pics later this week. Potatoes are coming up really good as are the beets. Spinach and lettuce is almost ready to start picking - Mom's garden always beats out the rest of us so hers is ready to start picking!
I?ve never done any amendments for the tomato?s, but I?ve never had to fit any rot or blight. We?re about to get into the wettest month of the year so hopefully the plants get a good drink!
Got problem fixed with sending pics from my phone. Like I mentioned, here's my Mom's lettuce, spinach and onions. Then my potatoes are going strong. Will get tomatoes and peppers planted this week.
That?s a good looking garden. I like the use of block. Did you put any weed fabric on the sides of the block going to the ground or just fill it up with dirt?
That's Mom's - they just filled it up with rich mix and bring in a load of 'refresher' every couple of years. If they get weeds, now there's a neighbor who have 2 boys looking to make extra money so they pull weeds and mow the yard!
Plan is to go rob some of her spinach, lettuce and kale for a few salads this week! Add a side of elk steaks and good to go.
Got my tomatoes and peppers all planted so everything's in that's going in this year. Need to stake up the tomatillo plants as they tend to be a little frail until better established.
Progress on my garden. Can?t see but the asparagus have started to sprout and the ferns are coming up. Probably won?t harvest any this year. Cucumbers are starting to trellis nicely, and tomatoes are coming right along.
Going to get some parsley out of the garden tomorrow to make mallard meatballs!