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New member
Mar 23, 2017
Anyone have an Elkmentor question that they want to ask me?

Maybe about Pref Points?

A specific elk hunting question?

What my favorite beer is? :)

Lets hear it!

Im here to help
1) What the hell is wrong with Nancy Pelosi?

2) Knowing you camp-hunt with a number of guys, how do you manage the trust factor when you find elk that you want to hunt, and expect others to not horn-in? Do you discuss it up front? Make everybody who camps with you sign a \"Memorandum of Understanding\"? Shut the heck up and lie like Obama?
Hey Lou: Did you get signed up for Obama Care like you hoped? Did the price work out for you? If so thank our President and Ms. Pelosi. :twisted:
what states voted for those morons, not my good home state of mo. thank goodness.
shoot, cnelk cant even answer these questions
Good Questions Lou! :)

1) What the hell is wrong with Nancy Pelosi?
Im not sure any of my mentoring can be of any assistance to N. Pelosi

2) Knowing you camp-hunt with a number of guys, how do you manage the trust factor when you find elk that you want to hunt, and expect others to not horn-in? Do you discuss it up front? Make everybody who camps with you sign a \"Memorandum of Understanding\"? Shut the heck up and lie like Obama?

We are all great friends. And we all know where to go hunt.
The most guys there is in camp is 4. Sometimes 3, sometimes 2.
If there is 4, we split into pairs and go off in search of elk. We know where each pair is going so we dont interfere with each other\'s hunt. Sometimes we can be miles apart. After the hunt, we meet back in camp and compare the hunt. Did we see elk? Any shots? Any packing to do?
If the 4 guys are in camp for a few days, we switch up partners and try new areas.
Always trying something different.

If there are 3 guys, sometime all 3 go out together. Other times one guy will want to do his own thing or go scout a spot on his own. The other 2 will make a plan and go hunt their area.

Last year, for 5 days it was just me and my buddy. We hunted together and we hunted separate both mornings and evenings.

OUr typical evening hunt isnt as hard as our morning hunts, as we sit in tree stands or still hunt, listening for elk that could possibly be hunted the next morning

I guess there is a basic MOA. Yes. It is discussed right up front.
Everyone knows that we have some great spots and not to mention any specifics outside of the group.
We all know what can happen when loose lips talk
I heard Lou got \"banned\" from Obama care. :banned: : :banned: :banned: We are now known as the Banned of Brothers :wtf:
Brad, when heading out with Buglemaster after longbeards shortly will you be taking your bow or cheat and take the scattergun? If your answer is the bow, what broadheads will you be using?
What calls do you use?

Post picks of your hunt!
According to my son, the shotgun will not be traveling with us :)
So its Bow only
And Dave mentioned he will also be using a bow only.

Im going to use a Zwickey Eskilite 135gr BH

My son is using 100gr Slick Tricks

Calls - Will be a Lil Deuce slate and a box call
Swede, not signed up yet because we\'re meeting with the State people next week since the Fed peple are still confuised about how the State exchanges work. We\'re signing up after the deadline, as I had a \"life change\" that supposedly exempted us from the deadline, we think. Hopefully the consultant can figure it out.

Bottom line, for my wife and me it will cost $1,350 per month. With that we each have a $6,500 annual deductible, or $13,000 between us. But the upside is that I can get as many abortions as I want every year, free birth control, free PAP smears, and free tobacco-use screenings to ensure I didn\'t have a cigar by the campfire with my buddies. (But I can use heroin, cocaine, crack, meth, and pot with no penalty, which is great!!! :D ) Thinking about getting my first abortion in mid-summer so I\'ll be recovered by elk season.

Now get this - Mr. Obama will give me money next year to help with the insurance premium if I don\'t work. If I do work, he won\'t give me money. So I won\'t be able to write as many articles in hunting magazines as I\'d hoped, since he will pay me more to NOT write articles than my writers fees will generate.

Is this a great country, or what???!!! :tease:
Forgot to mention that I\'m meeting with my financial advisor on Thursday to find out how many articles Nancy P and Barry Soetero will alllow me to write next year without being penalized, since I have a set writer\'s fee with each magazine. For real.

How cool is that?!
It is interesting that Obama came up with all that. You do know he plagiarized it from the Republicans don\'t you? Obama care used to be their alternative to what Hillary came up with, and it was the model for Mitt Romney care.
I have been on government health insurance that has covered those things you list for nearly all my adult life. No big deal to me. The young ladies I worked with had the same insurance covering testicular and prostate cancer, Alzheimer\'s disease and a host of things they had no need for either. It will all work out Lou and you can be comforted knowing you are not free loading on society. :D
Ok, cnelk, thanks for that, and it\'s how it worked when I hunted with friends. Only when some \"new\" friends came to our camp did the honor system become broken. Good for you for being able to preserve that.

Swede, Romneycare was a state initiative, and not nearly the tentacled monstrosity this thing is. What works for some states doesn\'t work for others. But trying to force a 3,300 page Federal, \"one-size fits all\" model (which nobody actually read before voting for it) has created a collosal mess, which any doctor will confirm. We were promised the same insurance benefits enjoyed by members of Congress. Well... If it\'s so good of a deal why is Barry exempting so many of his supporters and Democrat campaign contributors? 1,500 waivers or exemptions he\'s granted? Really?

Republicans favor things that will actually reduce the cost of health care and insurance, such as tort reform, malpractice limits, insurance portability, and allowing insurance companies to compete across state lines. But because of a procedural rule Crazy Nancy enacted, Republicans were not allowed to add any amendments to the bill before it was passed with not one Republican vote. Why are Democrats so opposed to putting limits on lawsuits and allowing insurance companies to compete with each other? This is a mystery (not really...)

But I have had a change of heart. I now take comfort in knowing all the mush-brained young people who voted for this idiot will be subsizing my health insurance premiums after this year (as well as being saddled with mountains of debt), so long as I choose not to work. That makes me really happy. I plan to start shaking their hands and thanking them for helping to pay for my insurance.

Question for you, Swede - how much per month did your government insurance cost you (out of your monthly paycheck) before you went onto Medicare? This may be a question for the omnipotent cnelk, since this is his question thread. This same policy would have cost us roughly $600 per month, with less than half the deductible, last year before the Obamacare mandates kicked-in. The premiums in Colorado mountain towns like where I live are now documented as the highest in the country under ObamaCare, yet the majority of the self-employed people - loggers, builders, contractors, seasonal workers, etc..- up here are barely scraping by as it is. Now their premiums are 2.5x what they were before. If we had Romneycare, it would be balanced-out across the state. \"Affordable Care?\" Hardly.
Lou: The man that designed Romney care is the author of Obama care. He says they are nearly identical for all practical purposes. Why are Republicans against allowing a jury decide what is fair compensation for malpractice that leaves a person disabled for life when the Doctor was drunk on the job? You are mistaken when you say all doctors are opposed to Obama care. I just had my annual physical on Monday and asked two individuals at the clinic where I was checked out. I am sorry to say that most of your post is partisan nonsense. What I paid for insurance while I was employed is a matter of public record. What I did not pay out of pocket was a part of my total work compensation just as my employer\'s contribution to my retirement was. 10,000,000 people, including persons on their parents coverage, now have access to health care that were left out before.
My sister has health care now, but would be left out without Obama care. She has a preexisting condition. She lost her job of over 30 years last December, when the company she worked for was bought out. And what do the Republicans have to offer her? Nothing! Suffer and die is their answer. Wait in the emergency room when your pain is too much to bear at home.
I am just fine with improving the ACA, but don\'t bother to tell me that 10,000,000 people, including my sister, with health care coverage that they can\'t get kicked off of is a bad idea. When you brag up the Republican plan for covering the people, please give me the House and Senate numbers for the bill so we can have a real discussion.
cnelk, can you tell me why the insurance premiums and deductible doubled for my healthy MD/PhD next door neighbor? She has 9 years of college and can\'t figure it out. She was an Obamacare supporter until it hit her in the pocketbook. Now she\'s mad as hell because she couldn\'t keep her plan like Obama promised.

Swede, I\'m sorry for your sister and happy that she is now covered again. But most of what you\'re saying is simply repeating talking points straight from MSNBC. We didn\'t need this abomination simply to cover preexisting conditions. The Republicans have offered many viable alternative bills, none of which will ever reach a vote in the Senate. Republicans tried to offer many amendments to try to fix major glitches in the ACA before it was passed. This thing wouldn\'t have passed either, without invoking cloture and reconciliation to ram it through in the night.

HR2300 is the lastest bill that will go the Senate to die, along with HR 2575 and HR 3121. It\'s closer to Romneycare in that it empowers the states with the federal money, so states can adjust as needed based upon needs of key demographics. This is the HUGE difference in Romneycare compared to Obamacare. A healthy person in a healthy state like CO shouldn\'t be treated the same as an obese person in an obese state like MS. (Example - my monthly premium and deductible is virtually the same as for a 400 pound meth addict in Biloxi...) It provides lower cost alternatives and subsidies for coverage of preexisting conditions through federal grants to state risk pools. It allows groups like churches, civic groups, organizations (ie.. Pope and Young Club, for example) to band together to bid for group policies, and allows price shopping across state lines by groups, small businesses, and individuals. (Republicans have been pushing for these two things, plus coverage for preexisting conditions, since 2000). It provides financial incentives to address the looming physician shortage.

In our state there are very limited Obamacare provider choices now. Kaiser is the most affordable, so many are signing up for it. Now they\'re finding out that there are only two doctors in our city of 175,000 that accept Kaiser, and the hospital doesn\'t. My doctor has had to turn away many long time patients, but it\'s too late - they\'re locked into the Kaiser plan until next year. So much for Obama\'s lie of \"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor\". The state coop doesn\'t cover you for injuries or treatment if you get sick while traveling out of state. The prices and coverage for the other few providers are virtually identical. Why won\'t the Dems allow me to shop for a WY insurance provider, since WY is only 10 miles away? Competition is a good thing, and always keeps prices in line.

According to a Gallup Poll released two days ago, the real number is closer to 3.5 million, not 7 million. 3+ million of Obama\'s \"7 million\" were pushed onto Medicaid. Many more are being double-counted because they lost their plans due to the mandate, so they really weren\'t \"uninsured\' in the first place. So we broke the system and dramatically drove up costs to cover a tiny percentage of the entire country, at huge cost to employers and taxpayers? Even if your number of 10M is correct, that\'s less than 3%. Libs tout the ability to cover \"children\" until they are 26, but that\'s a lie too. My 23 year old daughter can\'t be covered under our plan because she lives in a different state.

Nobody will argue that a drunk doctor shouldn\'t be punished. But should EVERY doctor be punished financially for the misdeeds of a tiny few? My doctor doesn\'t drink, but her malpractice insurance cost is about to put her out of business. The reluctance to touch tort reform is a direct pander to the various trial lawyers associations, which contribute heavily to Dems. This is like raising my car insurance rates through the roof because a guy in another town had a DUI wreck and hurt somebody.

You had good government insurance, and that\'s great. But how would you feel if all of a sudden you were now forced to pay $1,300 per month with $13,000 annual deductible for less coverage than you had before, because you are self-employed? Bottom line: Should everyone\'s insurance premiums be doubled, or more, and their coverage limited, to provide insurance coverage for a tiny percentage who were otherwise ineligible before? This is the massive problem that Obamacare created.
Lou ... you are welcome in my clinic anytime you want an abortion. I\'m sure it\'s awkward to go to someone local for something like that.

As for tobacco cessation counselling ... well, we\'ll have to discuss that over a few drinks.

Here\'s a question to change things up a bit ...

Will this hat decoy work, or will I just lose what little dignity I have?

I made it with Lou\'s advice ... and I\'m starting to think this could be a grand practical joke.


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