Got a question? Ask me

\"Jaquomo\" said:
cnelk, can you tell me why the insurance premiums and deductible doubled for my healthy MD/PhD next door neighbor?

I cant answer that

But this is what I can answer.
I have made it a point not to discuss DETAILS of politics or religion on a keyboard.
Even tho many on here are friends and respect each other greatly, there are topics that should probably be hashed in person without sideline spectators.

This is one of those topics

Deertick has a specific question that was generated by your success using a decoy hat.

I think it best to swing the discussion toward that and other elk/deer/hunting topics

Deertick. Trust me you don\'t look like a fool. :haha: :haha: :haha:

I have Lou\'s plans too just no time lately to do the work. Good luck with the hat. Don\'t wear it during gun season :mg:
While I agree with Brad that posting details on someone\'s political feelings, especially on an internet forum, will never do any good, I do feel the need to make a couple of comments simply because my work revolves around Health Care Reform and I deal with it every single day. While keeping all politics asside, here are a few facts:

1) Everyone had access to medical coverage prior to HCR. Anyone could apply for an individual policy at any time. Now, you could have an increased rate or possibly be turned down for coverage because of a pre-existing condition. This could be compared to auto insurance...if you have a crappy driving record, you pay more or might not get coverage from certain carriers. What would someone who is turned down because of a pre-existing condition do? they would need to find a job where health insurance was part of the benefits package for employees. In the case of Swede\'s sister, if you lose a job, you could always use COBRA and keep your coverage as well. The only unfortunate thing with providing coverage to people with pre-existing conditions is that it is similar to offering fire insurance to a homeowner who\'s house has just burned know you are going to lose money. What will that do in the end? It will raise insurance premiums for everyone.

2) The people who are going to be hurt the most by this bill are the people who are blue collar and tend to lean more towards the liberal side. This is because business owners who employ low income individuals are put into a difficult position: pay enough of the health insurance premiums to not get fined, pay the fines, or cut employee hours. For a quick example, take a restaurant or landscaping company owner. Their employees are making $13 an hour and most have previously never enrolled in health insurance. Now, an employer can no longer force the employee to spend more than 9.5% of their paycheck on health insurance, or approximately $215 a month. So, if that policy is $315 a month, the employer now faces an extra charge of $100 a month PER EMPLOYEE. If they have 100 employees, that is $10,000 a month or $120,000 annually. That will put most business owner out of business. What about paying the fees? Well, an empolyer would pay $2,000 for every employee that goes to the exchange, a potential risk of $200,000. So what will the employer\'s only real option be? Cut employee hours to under 30 hours a week. So now you are cutting paychecks of the lowest income individuals. Why doesn\'t this affect the grey collar folks? Because, in most cases, employers already had a benefit package set up where they don\'t need to make many changes.

Bottom line: does healthcare need to be reformed? Yes. Unfortunately this setup still has a few kinks in the system that need to be addressed, and I am guessing they will be. This current setup doesn\'t create cheaper insurance and definitely will not create more jobs, unless people are looking for an 11 hour work week :)

So, back on topic. Brad, for any newbie reading this, what would you attribute your success rate of filling a tag to? If you could rate a couple of things and the importance they provide in filling your tag, what would they be?
Brad, I agree, and sorry for letting my liberal friend\'s baiting get under my skin and hijack your thread. Feel free to yank those posts if you wish.

Great job on the hat, Dr. Deertick! Now you need a brown balaclava and a tan or mottled jacket. Mine is faded mossy oak brush
Good question.
I haven\'t heard that one in years!
It\'s quite a common question asked by tourists when they visit Rocky Mtn National Park in Estes

I haven\'t found the answer ;)
\"Jaquomo\" said:
Brad, I agree, and sorry for letting my liberal friend\'s baiting get under my skin and hijack your thread. Feel free to yank those posts if you wish.
\"Baiting\" I sure feel sorry for my sincere Republican friend, but playing the victim after your first post, on this thread, taking potshots at Nancy Pelosi and President Obama, is about as wild as your claims about what the Republicans intents are to help the people. To understand what the Republicans are up to , don\'t go to MSNBC. Apparently you watch them much more than I do. Lou: I would suggest you pitch Fox faux-news and Rush Limbaugh too. Watch Paul Ryan and John Boehner. Keep your eye on them.
\"cohunter14\" said:
So, back on topic. Brad, for any newbie reading this, what would you attribute your success rate of filling a tag to? If you could rate a couple of things and the importance they provide in filling your tag, what would they be?

Shoot any elk for a few years.
Even \'ANY ELK\' are hard to get.

That way you will know the entire process of elk hunting.
The preparation, the hunt, the kill, the pack, the soreness, the joy, the meals.

After doing this a few times it becomes 2nd nature.
Plus you will quickly find out if you like it or not.
Deertick, you look simply stunning in your new Easter hat.

Question for the good Dr Tick: how many calories per day does a 400 lb meth addict need to consume?
I didn\'t know deer turned into elk at a specific altitude. I guess I\'ve been hunting too low all these years.
Wow, I just finished riding this roller coaster thread, and I almost urped! :wtf:

My question for you think Lou will be able to write off his crack pipe as a \"business expense\"? :think:

Dammit...went off topic again...I\'m so confused :?

Good job on the hat, John! :upthumb:
Cnelk, the first time I came across you was the you tube video of your 2012 bull...<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\"></a><!-- m -->
Great video!
My question is, did he have cows with him and you called him away or was he out trolling for ladies? Nice bull!!
\"TetonStorm\" said:
Cnelk, the first time I came across you was the you tube video of your 2012 bull...<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"\"></a><!-- m -->
Great video!
My question is, did he have cows with him and you called him away or was he out trolling for ladies? Nice bull!!


Thanks for the compliment!

One morning, we were working up a slope and broke out on a flat area, We had not gone far when Jarod [Pikemaster]
whispers... \'ELK! BULL!!!\'

We saw him feeding about 100 yards in front of us. He was all alone.

When I signaled to Herb and Jarod to start calling, I was surprised how the bull didnt even raise his head.
They pick up the volume and that is when we got his attention.
Im thinking that he was feeding so heavily that he didnt hear the calls at first.

He was an older bull and my guess that where he was he was on the outskirts of the cows [1/4 mi or so] we had gotten into the previous day
Waiting for one of them to come into heat

But that is just my guess
I\'ve got another question for you Brad. So do you shoot, take, or harvest an elk? Where I live here in Ks. we harvest our wheat and shoot our deer. I have never felt that using the term \'shoot\' was in any way demeaning to the animal. I also don\'t have any friends that are active in the PETA organization that I know of so if the term is insensitive I haven\'t been told that to my face. Not trying to start any arguments but just wondering.
I shoot elk.
I have been known to mention harvest in \'mixed\' company.
I dont \'take\' elk. They take me to places I never been :)
I don\'t shoot, harvest, or take an elk. I just simply GET one! When I come home from hunting my wife always says, \"What did you get\"! Not \"Did you get anything\"? There IS a big difference.