How big is this bull?


New member
Mar 8, 2014
About this time of year people start dreaming about the size of the bull they hope to kill. Some are good at field judging; most are not. I\'ll post up three pics of a bull in the field, and let\'s see who can come closest to his actual gross P&Y score.

I know the number because I had him officially scored. His rack is now a clothes drying rack in my basement.

Hopefully these photos will post. I\'ve never been able to get a photo to post on this forum before....


  • Lou 2010 Bull before.JPG
    210.8 KB · Views: 377
I killed him the next day in the exact same spot where he is bugling in the photo above. Shot him right after he bugled then, too.
Lou, If it\'s the bull I\'m thinking of...I would have underscored him from those pics!

I may have inside info. :think: Maybe he just has a huge melon?
\"Jaquomo\" said:
I killed him the next day in the exact same spot where he is bugling in the photo above. Shot him right after he bugled then, too.

Wow big. That is a huge bull. I am guessing 368 1/8. :dk:
Jeff, the bull in the photos is a different one from the one you\'re thinking of. :shh:
I was also going to guess in the 315-320 range only because the last picture makes the tines look thinner than the first 2 pictures. Although, the G4\'s seem crazy long so I\'ll go with 337 5/8\".

Wife is hunting Unit 61 this year so will be doing lots of field judging before first rifle season. Have a guide but I want us both to know what a \"shooter\" is in our books because what she\'s happy with shooting is all that really matters.

I should draw Unit 2 next archery season so all this will be put to good use the next 2 years! :)
2010, yes. Does he have the date tattooed on his butt somewhere??!! He\'s a few inches bigger than Mr. 2011, way smaller than Mr. 2013.

Guess I should\'ve asked for the year along with the score!
\"Jaquomo\" said:
2010, yes. Does he have the date tattooed on his butt somewhere??!! He\'s a few inches bigger than Mr. 2011, way smaller than Mr. 2013.

Guess I should\'ve asked for the year along with the score!

Yeah...I would have won something in that scenario. I have a picture of him that is way more impressive....

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