How big is this bull?

Waiting for a couple other regulars to weigh in and then I\'ll post it.

My 350 bull isn\'t a clothes drying rack... ;)

A few others around the size of this one are decorating my neighbors\' cabins because they have wall space but never kill anything to hang there. I negotiated visitation rights.

Like I posted on the other thread, elk have so much scoring potential that an inch or two here and there can make a 25\" swing.
I won\'t chime in on score because I\'m pretty sure I remember the score on this one. What I will say is I\'d over estimate him on the hoof but not on the ground. Main beam length is a major factor and this guy is short or he\'d score MUCH higher. If I remember the score correctly, I\'ve killed a few that are smaller in just about every category except main beam length and spread, but still outscore his gross. This is the 25\" swing Lou refers to. Beautiful bull regardless.

On a side note, I think there should be a separate category for guys that do it the hard way on public land with otc tags which would make this a Booner via the blue collar hornulator ;)
If you miss each tine length by 1 inch that\'s 12 inches right there.
Miss by 2 and now you\'re in that 25 inch category
I guess I missed each by 3..... :angle:
also, just looked again, the right side is a lot weaker than the left. the 4ths and 5ths for sure..
gonna say 305 hard to see length on right side and width is just a guess relatively short beams but ok tine length
but ya I\'m gonna shoot at him at least.
Ok, we have two winners! Cnelk and TDiesel were pretty much right on the nose with 305. Actual was 304 6/8. Will is right about the short main beams. That\'s what kept him from being a 320 bull. Funny, but most hunters who see these photos estimate him at 320-330. The whale-tails and great configuration seem to throw everyone off.

But the real point of this exercise is to help those who haven\'t shot or scored a lot of bulls to understand that scoring on the hoof is a difficult task. An inch on each tine, a half inch on each mass measurement, a couple inches in beam length and a couple inches in width can add up to a big +/- swing. That\'s why it cracks me up to hear \"That\'s a solid 300 bull\" on TV shows, when to an experienced hunter it\'s clear it is a 260 +/-

Still, I think most of us wouldn\'t hesitate to shoot a bull like this unless we are hunting in a really premier limited entry unit.
Great post Lou. You are right on on how a lot of people over judge scores. I\'m one of them, I was 10 over on my guess. For me it\'s tuff when you don\'t see a lot of bulls to compare.

You got another pic? :upthumb:
This bull measured right at 285.
That\'s 20 inches less than Lou\'s bull.
Both are very nice bulls and both hunters have a memory of their hunt ;)


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You can really appreciate the mass and the length of the near 4th in this pic...caused me to overestimate :oops:
Wow...I was way off. That last pic though (Jeff showed) is up close and more perspective. Honestly that is nuts how it is only 20 inches bigger than Brads 285 bull. Huge difference in the 3rds and that is where I look first. Never mind the fact, like Jeff pointed out, that near 4th is LOOOONG.
I agree main beam length and symmetry are not there to make him a monarch but still.....very very nice bull. I\'ve seen plenty of 300+ bulls not have the whales tales that dude sports.
I have another exercise I\'ll post up with before and after pics for guesstimates. I\'ll start a new thread for it. This is good practice, and if any one else has field pics of a scored bull, lets give it a try.

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