How far is too far you if you had to pack the entire elk out yourself?

I go as far as needed the longest so far is 51/2 miles I get the meat to the closest trail then hire an outfitter to get the meat to the truck the most I have paid is $150, last year I paid $100 so far it has worked out great. I hunt wilderness backpack solo. Its a lot of work but worth it I think.
Interesting question, at my age I don't think I would want to go more the 3 miles but if the weather is cool that could get extended and just do smaller loads.
5 miles in moderate terrain like the wilderness area I hunt, but 2-3 in really steep country like when I go to the Sangre De Cristo's in Southern Colorado will almost kill man.
If it was big bull I  could get a shot at I would say 5-6 miles regardless ofterrain. If you want the big ones you have to be willing to sacrifice!
If I can get there, I can carry an elk out of there. I would never pass on an elk because of the pack out. If you're not willing to carry an elk out of where your hunting, why would you be there? My range would probably be 10-12 miles. I'm in my upper 20's, though. I'm sure that will change over time.
I've yet to hear anybody talk about the responsability of not letting the meat spoil on such long packs by yourself. We owe it to the animal we hunt to make sure all meat comes out. Not just antlers with a bunch of spoiled meat.
It really depends on the terrain.  The cow I shot this year was only 1.5 miles but it was all uphill with 1500 ft elevation gain and I was alone.  It was a much more difficult packout than the bull I shot the year before it was 3.5 miles on relatively flat ground and I think I'd take that packout again over the cow from this year.
The way I would answer this question is not how far but how long...
Many already stated this...depends on your physical condition, terrain, weather, etc...
But here is a way to determine your packing ability...what are you packing in?  Just a day pack?  Bivy?  Do you have to pack out camp?  Is there dark timber?  Running Water?  How good are your friends?
I have three hunting areas, one is easy to get to with bikes and wheel carts and I usually have my kids and family with me (3-4 days of my season there).  the other two are arse-kickers...wilderness (everything in and out on your back) with 3000 feet elevation differences in just 3 miles but plenty of dark timber and in some bowls plenty of water.
I can get an entire elk out of my family spot by my self in 8 hours but the wilderness areas will take me by myself 24 hours of hiking with breaks and sleep added to that.  there is an entire section of the wilderness area I rarely go into because that would mean an extra 8-12 hours which is iffy not from a keep the elk meat cool, but I really dont think I could haul 250-300 lbs by myself for 3 days straight and I would challenge any 20-something to go 12 miles back into that area and haul an entire elk on their own and that is probably only 6-8 miles as the crow flies...

Happy Hunting!
Depends on the country your in, elevation steepness, and will always be best to be in peak shape and prepare with much fore thought elk hunting is physically exhausting elk down or not so prepare. Only shoot an elkwhere you know you can get it out without waste......