I have never scored this buck

I have never scored a buck before so I\'m pretty happy I was only off by 5\".
Brad, you are being too proper! When I score something I am more interested in total inches of bone. Yes I know that the \'official\' clubs go to net, but every big buck contest I have ever entered was gross score. What they grow, and the way they grow is what I see on the wall! I am not disparaging the clubs that score that way, however, at all! Great institutions!
Geez! I just realized he did net now that you said it! I was only... 3/8\" off :up thumb:

and I\'ll be the one to say it....

nets are for fish :lol:
OK Guys, Tim sent me a message about scoring and I thought id run it by you all

I only took 3 circumference measurements on each antler -


Should I have taken one H-4? but its only an 8pt?

Here is the link to B&C scoring
<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.boone-crockett.org/bgRecords/bc_scoring_typwhitetail.asp?area=bgRecords&type=Typical+Whitetail+Deer\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">http://www.boone-crockett.org/bgRecords ... etail+Deer</a><!-- m -->

I was under the understanding that there needs to be an point in front of the circumference measurement?
4 mass measurements must always be taken.


Start at 3:57
I suppose now Dan is going to want me go out to the barn and take a couple more measurements :lol:
I used to always score the length between the G3 out to the main beam tip thinking that was g4 :crazy:

An official P&Y guy let me know I was wrong real quick. :D
\"cnelk\" said:
OK Guys, Tim sent me a message about scoring and I thought id run it by you all

I only took 3 circumference measurements on each antler -


Should I have taken one H-4? but its only an 8pt?

Here is the link to B&C scoring
<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.boone-crockett.org/bgRecords/bc_scoring_typwhitetail.asp?area=bgRecords&type=Typical+Whitetail+Deer\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">http://www.boone-crockett.org/bgRecords ... etail+Deer</a><!-- m -->

I was under the understanding that there needs to be an point in front of the circumference measurement?

I measure between the G3 and G4 if it is a ten point or half way from G3 and tip for an eight point. You will probably have another 4.5-5 inches Brad.
Exactly right. I measured the H4s and each were 2 2/8, so we can 4 4/8 on to the total.
Making it 121 4/8

Too small for P&Y and too big for S&C :)
\"cnelk\" said:
Exactly right. I measured the H4s and each were 2 2/8, so we can 4 4/8 on to the total.
Making it 121 4/8

Too small for P&Y and too big for S&C :)

I bet it ended up on a spoon though :D

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