If you have a few seconds....

Thank you Dave!!!!

Today is the final day of the contest and I am in a healthy 4th place.
Thank you again for everyone who voted.

All of you helped turn this crazy good experience into something even better. I appreciate it :upthumb:
I got 4th!!!!! Some pretty neat prizes too.

Now I just need to figure out away to pay it forward to all of you.

Thanks again :upthumb:
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
Prizes? What cha win? Well done Ice!

I haven\'t really been given an official list, but I think it\'ll be stuff like:
- broadheads
- a bow wrist sling
- hat
- some other random swag
possibly a game camera?

The biggest sponsor of the contest was this company called deer lab.
It looks like I won a free year of their new product.
If I understand it right, I upload all of my game camera pictures and locations.
Then it can attempt to pattern them and give me probabilities of where I will have the best chance to see the bucks and when.

Could be interesting. I don\'t like anyone knowing my spots!
\"iccyman001\" said:
The biggest sponsor of the contest was this company called deer lab.
It looks like I won a free year of their new product.
If I understand it right, I upload all of my game camera pictures and locations.
Then it can attempt to pattern them and give me probabilities of where I will have the best chance to see the bucks and when.

Could be interesting. I don\'t like anyone knowing my spots!

You\'ll have to report back and let us know how that goes. Sounds pretty interesting.

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