Painting Arrows

All my arrows get a paint job. Wood arrows just seem to ask for it. That plus the fact that I can actually see my arrows in flight :)
The blue crested arrows were made in the 60\'s and I re-fletched them with brighter feathers.


did you say some of your arrows were original from the 1960\'s?

if so, I want YOUR advice on the how-to\'s of arrow retention! :)


great idea. Me likey.

Rudy: In that first picture, is that an old Herter\'s fiberglass bow? I\'ve been looking for one of those for years.
Hi Shane, I don\'t do much shooting at deer, lots of hunting, not much shooting, so the arrows last a LONG time.
Really though, I have several sets of arrows to choose from and since they are all the same spine and weight, I can switch from one set to another. All the pictured arrows are made from Forgewood shafts. A fella in Oregon ( Bill Sweetland) was making them out of compressed Cedar. The shafts are made from \"squished\" down square blanks. The finished arrows weigh in at 625 grains with a 145gr broadhead.

Bill, the bow is one I made from an old Osage Orange fence post back in 1995. Dug it out of the ground and cut away everything that didn\'t look like a bow. It\'s been a good bow and a couple of years ago I had to reduce the weight down to 51#\'s so I could shoot it without blowing out a shoulder.
So if you are not able to take your quiver off for cold calling, would you guys still do this? Curious if you think the white sticks out a bit too much or not if it\'s actually attached to your bow.
I still paint my arrows regardless if I take my quiver off or not.
My thought is if the elk is close enough to see the white paint, I\'m already at full draw :)
\"cnelk\" said:
I still paint my arrows regardless if I take my quiver off or not.
My thought is if the elk is close enough to see the white paint, I\'m already at full draw :)

Good point :D
My eyes!!

Maybe too bright. Oops.


Sent via Jedi mind trick.
Wow Cliff you should be able to see them good.

My daughter would love them. I had to fletch hers with pink but she only got two pink and one white.
I ordered one white cock vane, dunno.

He put a paint mark marking cock came position. This guy puts the CV on the stiff side of arrow.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.
I\'m bringing this back up to the top with hopes that the moderators might consider moving it to the (Archived Tips) section.
\">>>---WW---->\" said:
I\'m bringing this back up to the top with hopes that the moderators might consider moving it to the (Archived Tips) section.

:upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb: I want to paint some arrows and have been busy. I will probably forget and lose this thread if it isn\'t saved somewhere.