Ripcord or QAD HD rests?

Essentially the HDX has more bells and whistle! Comes with "curved" capture bar for better fetching clearance and slicker/more visible vertical adjustment when compared to the "HD". Compared to the other Ultra Rests (there's 4 rest type), HDX has the "LDT" lock down technology to guarantee No bounce back of the rest(if correctly setup), vibration dampener, obviously to reduce shock/noise. Fyi, if you shoot a Mathews bow, Ultra Rest and Mathews came up with their custom rest this year(add an additional harmonic damper to the rest). Also HDX version have custom riser bracket n rest prong for Bowtech, PSE, and Hoyt bow for better rest clearance(so that the rest don't hit the curved riser shelf). Also have seven different colors rest you can choose from versus only three(HD) and one(LD and Hunter). Definitely worth the check Ebay or Amazon for the best prices!!! Hope this help!
Since I'm in the market I've been doing a lot of research.  Anybody have experience with the DOA Rest?  It also states that it stays up on slow let down.  It also says it stays up longer for improved accuracy. 
there are lots of great rest out there but i prefer a full capture rest with ) chance of fail ill take the loss of 3-5 fps on a biscuit or octain
I have stopped going to the closest archery shop to me (2 miles away) and  am driving a further distance to a different one. My posts before on this thread were from what I had been told by "professionals".  I had the opportunity to talk to the owner of ripcord and asked him aboutthe problems on his rests. I told him which archery shop was giving me the information and he knew exactly what I was talking about. He told me that the archery shop is changing out the string and causing the problem. No other shops have problems like the shop near where I live. I bought a code red last fall and Love It. No problems and like has been posted faster speed and very accurate. I upgraded from a octane rest.
I love my ripcord and wanted to clear the air from my first posts.
I decided to go with the QAD HDx and I couldn't be happier.  I don't think you can go wrong with either though. I was trying to decide between the two because both seem great.  So far it has been quiet and smooth on my PSE.
UtahElkHunter said:
I decided to go with the QAD HDx and I couldn't be happier.  I don't think you can go wrong with either though. I was trying to decide between the two because both seem great.  So far it has been quiet and smooth on my PSE.

me too iv never trusted a drop away rest but this one stole my heart

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