Tim\'s TurkeyFest, 2016!!! Let the games begin!

Colby was a fish master!!!!!


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Some more random pictures. I\'ll upload my camera ones when I can.
Here is my monster shed I found, elk brats, elk burgers, turkey nest that Terry found, etc


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I will try to do a write up on our, my son Colby and me, end tomorrow. short story, we didn\'t shoot and we had a blast and....... camp was great again this year :D :D :D
Tim was a fantastic host once again and did everything he could to make it a great time!
I cannot thank him enough for everything he did, even though he does drive a land cruiser..
Tuesday was my day. Tim, Francis, Dan and I checked a few spots looking for a response to some yelps. Finally near the back of one property I let out a few yelps with the box call and got a gobble back. I called again and he gobbled back. Game On! I gave my box call to Dan. The guys hid down a creek bank and called while I went ahead and set up along a fence. The gobbler would gobble back call for call but held his ground. Finally he started to come our way. Francis added in some yelps with his slate call. The gobbler gobbled more and more the closer he got. After 15 minutes he was getting close. He popped over a small rise from the field edge into the trees and I saw his head poke up from the grass at 26 yards :mg: bird down. He was a nice bird 21# with a 9 3/8 beard and 1 1/8 spurs.

The last night I headed to where Dan shot his first bird and I saw birds to each side of me but far off and not committing to the calls or decoys. Near the end of shooting time I saw 2 come in far to the south. I packed up my decoys and ran that way. I dropped my decoys and vest and dropped down into a creek to sneak in. the light was fading making it hard to see but I picked out a bird near the creek bank. I glassed him to confirm he was a red head :mg: bird 2 down. I sent a pic to the guys as the rain moved in again on the last night.

It was a great time hunting with the guys. I enjoyed calling in the first jake for Dan to arrow and when he and Francis called in my Gobbler best. It is more fun to share a hunt with others. I am glad Tim was with us to hear my bird come thundering in.

Thanks again for having us Tim.......
Hey Everyone! Look at the 4th picture down that Dan posted - it looks like he is almost smiling!! LOL!

Sounds like a great time even with the rain - congrats to all!!
\"Colorado Russ\" said:
Hey Everyone! Look at the 4th picture down that Dan posted - it looks like he is almost smiling!! LOL!

Sounds like a great time even with the rain - congrats to all!!

Yes I think it was. He was so excited going to find his bird. He was crossing a stream on a log when he spotted it. I had to go help him out. I crossed then he handed me the bows and crossed. I thought he was going to fall in the water he was so excited trying to get to the bird. :p
First off I want to thank Tim for letting us come down again. He put in a lot of time getting camp ready and locating some birds.

Thanks bud. And don\'t listen to Dan he\'s just jealous of the cruiser. That thing is bad a$&. ;)

If anyone wants a rig that will go anywhere when nothing else can even move get one of these.
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This was a great great trip with some great guys and one young man Colby who I will say Gary is doing a great job raising. Plus it was Garys birthday while we were there and Colbys tomorrow so Dan cooked up a great meal and Tims wife made a ice cream birthday cake to celebrate.
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Speaking of food.... I think we can all agree Francis knows his way around a kitchen.....
I am talking I had a LIFE changing experience after eating his beer battered walleye and crappie!!!! OH MY......

Tim\'s friend Craig is probably still talking about how amazing it is right now.

We had fish, breadsticks, beans, and potato salad that night... NOM NOM NOM!!!!!!

Picture from pancake day

I have to say the turkey\'s had me wondering if I lost my touch. One trip out in the evening I was heading back to a field that I shot my bird at last year to put my blind up and was walking through the hedge row and did not expect turkeys to be out in the field with all the rain and high winds.

I was wrong. As I got to the edge I look out and see a red head out there. Crud I drop back and grab my binos and see a huge tom and two hens heading my way. I\'m scramble to drop my blind and decoy and get my bow ready. The hens get past a opening and I see the tom and tried to get a range on him. First time my range finder let me down. It would not range the bird in the blowing wheat. About now the hens see something they don\'t like and walk away putting and take the tom with them.

I\'m sick to my stomach when I see him walk out on the edge of the field and his beard is dragging on the ground.

I did get my blind set up and did not see anything else that night. Spent 9 hours in the blind the next day hopping he would be back but didn\'t see a single bird.
Did have a nice view.
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So I go back to my blind the next evening after we spent part of the day trying some other spots but could not get any responses in the high wind.

So guess who\'s out on the field when I get there again. Yep big boy is out there with a hen again. You have to be kidding me.

They are in the corner so I back out and sneak through the woods and get to my blind as they head out the corner. I call a few times hoping he would come back if the hen left him.

Nope never came back to the field but stayed back by his roost tree coming to about 75 yards from me gobbling his fool head off and then heading the other way. He wanted me to come to him. This went on for a hour and forty minutes till he flew up to roost.
So by now I should have given up on this bird but I\'m bull headed and really wanted to kill this bird.

I head out and get my blind and head right to his roost. I\'m thinking I\'m either going to shoot him or bust him out. I\'m running out of time so I\'m going for it.

I set my blind just off where I find the trail he was strutting on the evening before. I\'m thinking this is the night. NOT dang turkey changed his plans again. Never heard him till 7 and he was on the field to the east on the other side of the creek.

Never came across the creek but flew up in a different tree 50 yards from me on the other side of the creek. Then a hen flew up in the tree right above me. I\'m thinking this gig is up when I get out of my blind. No wind blowing and really quite out. Don\'t know how but I get the noisy zipper open a get out of there without busting them.

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