Tim\'s TurkeyFest, 2016!!! Let the games begin!

So the last morning I figured what the heck. Gary dropped me off well before daylight and I seek in as quite a a fat guy can. I figure there is no way I can get back into my blind without busting them but I do.

So it starts getting light and he\'s gobbling his head off and a hen starts yelping by him on the wrong side of the creek.

I peek out the side window and see she is facing away from me and the way I want him to fly down.

I figure I have to get her flying down my way. So every yelp she makes I mimic her every call. She\'s getting mad and turns around on roost and faces me. I don\'t have a decoy out. This goes on for probably 10 minutes and she flys down on my side of the creek. Yes. Then I hear a woosh and see a bird fly past and land on the field to my right. I look out and see another hen. Didn\'t even know she was still above me as she never made a peep the whole time I was taking to the other hen.
Cool two live decoys.

I\'m ranging the one on the field just because if the tom lands next to her I already know the range then. I look back at the other hen and the tom is standing right behind her. What the heck. I never heard him fly down.

I really wanted to shoot one with a Bullhead but he was farther than the 20 yard tree I ranged. I take that arrow off the string and set it down without looking and clank it goes. I think it hit my slate call. &$@#* His looking right at me now as I\'m slowly grabbing my arrow with a rage on it. I get it on the string just as he looks back at the hen. Grab my range finder and it says 27 yards. Draw back and settle my 30 yard pin on his wing button and squeeze the trigger. Two and a half days chasing him and that whack never sounded so good. He only went 10 yards and it was over. I sat back in my chair and watched him with my binos. I had this feeling of not relief but I don\'t know what it was.

I have never persuade any single animal this hard let alone a turkey. I have to say this was a turkey that I am extremely proud to finely harvest.


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I have to say this was a awesome hunting trip and humbling one at the same time.

I totally enjoyed myself and got to meet Terry for the first time. Also got to spend some great time fishing with Colby. Totally enjoyed watching him get excited when he got a fish and that was a bunch of times. Great stuff there. :D

Happy that Dan got that turkey monkey off his back this year. :upthumb:

Gary and Colby hunted hard and I\'m proud of both of them. Hunting with someone that young can be hard and Gary did awesome. :upthumb:

Fanatic trip great food and even better people. :D :upthumb:
\"bowhunter\" said:
Yes I think it was. He was so excited going to find his bird. He was crossing a stream on a log when he spotted it. I had to go help him out. I crossed then he handed me the bows and crossed. I thought he was going to fall in the water he was so excited trying to get to the bird. :p

It is that excitment that keeps me as a hunter coming back for more!!! No matter if it is a 160\" or 110\" deer, a 275\" or 380\" Bull Elk or cow, a Tom with 1 1/2\" spurs or a Jake, or simply a group of mallards locked up and landing in the decoys I still have that same excitment as if it was my first. I hope to never lose that excitment and enthusiasm for hunting and the outdoors. The day I do will be the last day I hunt!!

Looks like a good time was had be everyone, and that is what matters...congrats gentelmen!!!
awesome write up francis, and thank you!!!!! hopefully I can find time to say my piece tomorrow...... finding the right words will be hard and lengthy!
\"N&N Waterfowl\" said:
\"bowhunter\" said:
Yes I think it was. He was so excited going to find his bird. He was crossing a stream on a log when he spotted it. I had to go help him out. I crossed then he handed me the bows and crossed. I thought he was going to fall in the water he was so excited trying to get to the bird. :p

It is that excitment that keeps me as a hunter coming back for more!!! No matter if it is a 160\" or 110\" deer, a 275\" or 380\" Bull Elk or cow, a Tom with 1 1/2\" spurs or a Jake, or simply a group of mallards locked up and landing in the decoys I still have that same excitment as if it was my first. I hope to never lose that excitment and enthusiasm for hunting and the outdoors. The day I do will be the last day I hunt!!

Looks like a good time was had be everyone, and that is what matters...congrats gentelmen!!!

I\'m 69 and been hunting since I was old enough to shoot a shotgun. It\'s been so long ago I don\'t remember what age that was but I do remember that it was my dad that took me on my 1st squirrel hunt. I never had as much fun and now some 60 or so years later it\'s just as much fun as it was back then...

So Charlie look forward to more fun time than you can ever dream of.... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Colby is my little hunter and fisherman! he has always been hanging around watching and helping clean my animals. so naturally when I asked who wanted to come to tims, he jumped up and wanted to go :D
last fall I took him out to my turkey spot, on the last afternoon of the fall season. there were birds every where but we had to chase all over trying to get in front of them. we put on a lot of miles with several near successes. he stayed up with me like a champ. and he was sooo excited about all the action we were in :D
Thought I\'d share a few observations and thanks from last weekend.

This year because of early warm weather we had it a little tougher to see the birds if they were in the wheat. Of course that also gave Dan more cover for his belly crawls.
Two months of very dry weather coupled with the rain over the weekend made unimproved roads bottomless! The rain and north wind also put a damper on the bird activity. Saw birds just standing in the road trying to dry off. Three birds were shot on the last day when the sun showed up.

I absolutely couldn\'t have enjoyed myself more than being around guys that love hunting, have a sense of humor, positive attitudes, and help others!

Being a little older than most on here with no background in this social media thing I am still surprised that this has happened! (this is not a plug for E-harmony).

Some people need some thanks. Craig Hall for helping out again this year. Craig\'s cousin runs an outfitting business around here and Craig does some guiding for them on occasion. Craig has bowhunted turkeys in this area for years. Travis of Wapiti River Outdoors. Check him out in the Wapiti Corner above! Thanks Travis! Todd Busenitz for letting us add 160 acres of creek bottom land to our hunting area this year. And last but not least, Gary\'s son Colby. Several days of hard hunting, at times with rain coming down, and never a complaint! Only smiles and an occasional pleading look toward Francis to come and take the fish off the hook! I think Colby\'s presence helped us remember our own start!

I\'ll post a few pics if I can remember how to do it!
Colby was soo excited for the trip, he was telling everybody up here!
the wind and the rain didn\'t help the hunt any..... but we put on the miles and he never complained. well only on the way back to the truck when the birds didn\'t cooperate. dan and terry got to watch us crawl through a muddy field to try and put a stalk on a strutting tom and hen :D Colby wanted to keep going when I asked if we should back out! he loved the action! you could definitely tell that he was excited during the trip, he stayed up late every night and got up early every morning without any complaints!!!!
tims pond gave Colby plenty of fishing action when we weren\'t hunting. and that\'s usually what he wanted to do when we were done hunting for the night. that\'s until he went out without a headlamp on and got the line all tangled up :lol: he still says that was the best part of the trip!
tim got us into birds the first night! after feeding us some super delicious ribeye chili with all the fixins. and after some fishing by Colby. some miscues between the two of us prevented us from being in the right spot when the birds flew up.
but we were there and ready for them the next morning, good and early! its too bad that they flew down on the other side. but they gave us a gobble show for sure. we had several more shows through out the hunt!
on one such occasion, craig set us up on some birds that we found roosted near a road. with a perfect plan set in place for the next morning. but there was a kink in this plan...... an almost 9 year old boy who needed to poop real bad and couldn\'t hold it, just before shooting time :lol: craig is an awesome guy and Colby and him had plenty of fun while waiting for the birds! tim too! remember that hair band fight in the blind :lol: what characters!
I was hoping that Colby didn\'t inherit my patience, or lack there of..... \"dad, there are no turkeys here\" became a common phrase when we tried to set up for some turkeys. he was definitely happier when we were stalking them.
tim, as any good grandfather would do, did an excellent job spoiling Colby down there. he made a point to reverse all the hard work I had put into him all these 9 years :D :lol: Colby still made good use of his manners!
terry, Colby had to show off his gifts from you, to mom right away when we got home!!! thank you again!
francis, you made an excellent fishing partner for Colby, he had to tell mom that you two had a contest and he won :lol:
dan, my stomach still hurts from eating all of your cooking! in a good way :D its just hard to stop when it tastes so good, and its not every day that I get to eat elk, orynx and sheep along with francis\' real maple syrup!
I don\'t know if you guys could tell, but Colby sure enjoyed hanging out at camp with the guys :lol:
thanks again everyone!!!!!! cant wait for next year so you can meet one of the other boys!
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some preseason kite flying, Theresa reason we dubbed the new place \"windy hill ranch\"
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he got plenty of fish on the line!!!!


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first morning set up after sun up
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he was pretty excited about this turkey egg..... he was going to show his brothers...... then he accidentally sat on it in the cruiser......
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we even got to see some elk, in Kansas!
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fishing partners!


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I included this picture only for the humor. Dan and Francis offered Terry no help in the final dispatch! :lol:

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