
New member
Mar 23, 2017
Please give a big welcome to Swede as a Moderator for our Elkmentors forum!
After a few inquiries and emails back and forth, Swede has decided to join the rank of Moderator and he will join a \'Team of Mentors\' responsible for leadership and management of the Forum

As you all know, Swede brings an honest, open style to his posts.
He has a sense of humor that is very unique and fitting :)

He is known to be fair and understanding, qualities that ELKMENTORS has been built upon.

Glad to have you here Swede, your thoughts and input are highly regarded

Stay tuned for some more changes and new stuff coming soon!

oh man, swede will be banning people now, :haha:
congrats swede, hope the pay is worth it, lol
So glad to see that you have joined as a moderator, Swede! I always enjoy and learn from your contributions. I also appreciate your unwavering stance toward integrity and faithfulness to that which is truly important! It\'s important now that you don\'t forget your safety harness!
I gotta say, Swede is a pretty brave soul to bring those shenanigans of his around this camp fire and then go sit in that treestand of his. For those that read his book, is there any mention of using two harneses in the tree stand? :lol:

Glad to have you Swede, everything you bring to this forum makes it better. Plus, now we have everyone\'s attention with the threat of you kicking people off the forum at random! :haha:
\"cnelk\" said:
I havent seen any of those jokes?
Were they good ones? :)

Ask Lou.

All said, it sounds like a good crew here ... I\'m sure traffic is going to really increase over the summer with this crowd.
Thanks for the warm welcome . I will try to do what I can to promote the Elk Mentors Forum. There is a team atmosphere here that I appreciate. I look forward to discussing ways to make the forum work better for more hunters. After all it is not about any one person, but about helping committed hunters reach their personal goals. I will commit to personally doing that. I will try to assist you personally, and I will try to help all others that look into this forum. At the same time I want everyone here to have fun. I really don\'t care for the dry, instruction manual type of mentoring.

I am not sure about the comments about kicking anyone off the forum. In truth, I am very concerned that we go there only as a last resort. I am pleased that that is where Dana and the other moderators are at. We want you here. You are the reason for the forum. I would not have agreed to be a moderator if, after a constructive discussion, I felt we had a run and gun cowboy in charge that thought this is all about him. That is not the character of this forum.

As for the \"Liberal\" label, I admit it.

I worked for the Federal Government for over 35 years. There I was privileged to have a great job, work side by side with some very dedicated, hard working and intelligent employees. Daily they were trying to do the best forest management they knew how. Like you and me, we did not always agree, but that did not take anything from them as employees. Often on the next round of management discussion we found ourselves on the same side of an issue. We were professionals, and respected one another.
I worked with a few people I had little respect for, regardless of which side of an issue they were on. There seems to be nothing unusual to me about that in any work place.

A discussion came up here recently about the ACA. I am pleased for people like my sister to have good affordable health insurance. It breaks my heart to see senseless suffering, when due to no fault of their own they are denied health maintenance treatments. Again, I have to admit I am a liberal.

I am probably a liberal in many other ways too, though I normally don\'t think a lot about it. I certainly believe government can play a constructive role in ensuring everyone has reasonable opportunities and protection. This attitude of mine probably comes from being raised in real poverty, and from what I have experienced in life. I have been married to a Hispanic woman for over 45 years now. She is intelligent and very talented. She has a degree from the University of Arizona in microbiology. She is as hard and dedicated a worker as any you can find. In my extended family there are other minorities. I have seen the ugly face of bigotry and prejudice. I hate it. I care for people.

As I stated above, I never think about it much, but I must be a liberal. I have never posted anything like this before, and did not say anything about it in the tree stand book. To me it should be irrelevant, but apparently some have some thoughts about the matter. The Bible teaches us to love the Lord with all of our heart, mind and soul, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. With His help I try. Now, let\'s talk hunting. :D
well great, now i cant like swede anymore, im as conservative as they come. lol. oh well, swede im gonna like you even if you are wrong, lol. just kidding
\"bnsafe\" said:
well great, now i cant like swede anymore, im as conservative as they come. lol. oh well, swede im gonna like you even if you are wrong, lol. just kidding

That is fine. You are still welcome to come hunt with me. :D I have some very conservative friends. Like Jacuomo, these guys are intelligent and try to be informed. After a time or two of talking politics, they prefer to talk hunting, cars, old dogs, or anything but politics. I like to engage until my brother weighs in on the conversation, then I just go back to what I was doing. LOL

I just hope you understood, I had absolutely no input into the decision to booting cnelk, WW, or Jacuomo from the other forum. I assume that misunderstanding was the reason booting people was brought up on earlier posts on this thread. I understand that booting someone is sometimes necessary, but it is a last resort, and there are no rewards that go with that responsibility.
oh i know that, i was just kidding. honest. as far as politics i will stay out of those discussions as im a far right conservative tea party guy that abhores the socialist agenda we have now. my insurance went up from a 1000 dollar deductible to a 3500 one with less options. im a little bitter. but, this isnt the place for politics an im bettin we would disagree but still get along just fine.
i really was kidding about banning folks though.
\"Swede\" said:
\"bnsafe\" said:
I just hope you understood, I had absolutely no input into the decision to booting cnelk, WW, or Jacuomo from the other forum.

I think (or hope) everyone knew that and was just picking on you Swede :) It was cnelk\'s idea after his butt magically got superglued to the log by the campfire... :lol:
My apologies for not responding to this post sooner Swede. But when I first read it, I thought it said Agitator not Moderator. :tease: Oh well, anyhow, I wELKome you to your new position. I know you will serve Elkmentors well. :upthumb:
Thanks cohunter14. I started think that maybe people believed as a moderator on the other forum, I had a part in the decision to remove Brad, Bill and Lou. If that was the thinking, then it would stand to reason that people would believe I would be quick to boot folks here. My concern about how that was handled over there, and a desire to discuss issues to prevent that kind of problem, were what Dana and I discussed when we agreed to my being a part of the forum staff.

WW: Agitator? Moderator? I always feel comfortable as an agitator. I may have trouble remembering which hat to wear when. Feel free to keep me straight.

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