2014 Meat Pole Thread - Elk

My sons non typical 6x7
It has points everywhere


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My cow that came in with my sons bull


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Congratulations Brad and also to your son! If I remember correctly it wasn\'t too long ago you mentioned that you weren\'t that excited yet. Maybe you should go into every season with that same calm demeanor. I gotta tell you, I\'m excited for your son! :clap:
Looks like the fun is over... ;) ;) Glad ya\'ll are havin\' great success... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Opening night 4x5 10yrd frontal shot.


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Next day bull by my son\'s friend.


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Nice job guys! Way to go. Heck our season hasn\'t even started here in MT yet and you boys are knocking them down left and right... Brad congrats to you and your son, way to double up!!!
Archery Season 2014 has been a MAJOR blessing for Dad and I so far. I left the house on Friday morning before the opener at 2 a.m. I just couldn\'t sleep...so why not drive. Saturday morning found me in a tree stand at a location that I found early this spring in April while doing some scouting. I was in my stand all of 10 MINUTES when this spike bull walks in. Knowing that I had three weeks off to hunt I contemplated not shooting hoping to get a little more elk hunting in, but then I might not have another opportunity so I let him have it at 22 yards! I then drove him that afternoon to meet up with my wife so we could get him to the meat processor, we had a little road side tail gait party in the middle of no where. On Monday morning, 3 days into the season, I dropped dad off at a stand and told him I would be back to check on him at noon. At noon I pull up to see him packing the head and antlers down the hill of a nice 5x6 bull he had shot that morning. So happy for him, as this was the first bull he has killed with his bow and he has been archery hunting elk nearly as long as I have been alive! Dad is still up there chasing bucks. I go back out next week for another 7 day stretch in hopes to shoot a bear!

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