2015 BackTrak Outdoors Turkey Contest


New member
Apr 30, 2014
Is anyones blood pumping yet for turkey season?
Well, let me just add fuel to that fire.

We want to add some friendly competition here, so we will be running a turkey contest for the spring turkey season!
The contest is open to all members on the forum and will run from now until May 31st. If your season runs any longer than that, please PM me and I will extend it out.

I\'m sure some of you are familiar with the NMTF scoring system, and we will be doing a modified version of that.
When submitting your entry we will require a photo, and a number totaled from the measurement of the beard, and measurement of the left and right spurs. For example a turkey with a 6\" beard and a 1\" left and right spur would score- 6+1+1= 8\".

Turkeys may be harvested by any legal weapon.

Contest rules:
1) To submit an entry, please post a photo with either the turkey and the hunter or the turkey with the weapon
[any legal weapon method] used to harvest it.
2) You can enter as many birds as you want, but only your biggest bird will count.
3) Entries must be in before 5pm EST on May 31st.
4) All members, sponsors or Moderators are eligible [Excl. cnelk, Swede JF]
4) This is the most important and I will firmly be on the look out for this..... HAVE FUN. :upthumb:

I know I said that this is only a friendly competition, but did I mention....


So good luck everyone! Stay safe and shoot straight :)
I for one am a bit worried about Will, Scott, Francis, Tim and Gary.......

They seem like some turkey ringers! :upthumb:
Sounds like great fun, Dan! Don\'t worry about me, I\'ll be limited in my time to hunt them this spring as I just commited to a DIY Idaho bear hunt in June and have to save my time. I could get lucky though ;) . Good luck to all!
Dan, thank you for doing this! I just might have to go try to chase some turkeys this year...been a few years since I gave it a shot, but you guys are getting my blood pumping thinking of it!
You can count me in. I will make an entry I 100% guarantee. Three years ago a tom with 4 beards was taken on my neighbors property that came from my timber. That would get some points but usually mine have 10-11 inch beards with 1 1/8 to 1 7/16 spurs. Sounds like fun. Now I have a goal to find the best bird on my place instead of just taking the first one I see.
i\'m in!! for the fun of it.

my land access is Jake-city..no real big bruisers. but i\'ll play. i might be able to sneak onto a vineyard, which has mutant birds.

i did just watch a TV show. they had a contest. just added weight. so they were getting scores in the 30\'s.
Dan, I know you have already set the rules but most seasons haven\'t started yet. Would you be interested in adding the weight to the score? Here is a link to the National Wild Turkey Federation score calculator. It is easy to use and has conversions on it.

<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.nwtf.org/all_about_turkeys/turkey_score.html\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">http://www.nwtf.org/all_about_turkeys/turkey_score.html</a><!-- m -->
i doubt if i go turkey hunting this year, but it really isnt fair to you western guys. easterns are the biggest sub species and someone from northern mo, iowa, eastern ks etc will have a huge advantage. with that said i might go, lol
I am very glad that so many people are in for this!

Scott, I think you need to go back to your home town and find some monster turkeys, just be careful of the local police department :D

Terry, I went back and forth on the weight option or not. This is what Brad and I kind of talked about. We were worried that not many people have scales or they may just breast the turkeys out in the field and don\'t want to bring it all home. We figured this would be easier if they knew they just needed to measure the beard and spur in the field, they could bring a ruler or tape measure. We just were hoping for max participation

HOWEVER, this is a site for you guys, so I will leave this option up to all of you.
I for one have no issue for the N W T F calculator being used and us adding weight, so if all of you are ok with it, lets do it.

Please discuss it in here what you would all like, and I will make any necessary changes that you come up with.

It does not matter to me. Either way will be fine. Just counting down the days till I can get out and hear some thunder in the trees again. :D
i dont have a scale.

but i could run to walmart to buy a cheapie.. (i heard they run \"heavy\" ;))

either way, i\'m happy to be IN.
however, historically the only two years i got skunked..both of them i joined in on contest. this could go horribly wrong!!

is this BOW only?
\"bnsafe\" said:
i doubt if i go turkey hunting this year, but it really isnt fair to you western guys. easterns are the biggest sub species and someone from northern mo, iowa, eastern ks etc will have a huge advantage. with that said i might go, lol

this is a darn good point. i vote we leave weight off the table. anyone shooting a Goulds would crush us. :)
oh. i was at the bow range yesterday.

they have these alum benches there. i grabbed one, but it on the line and sat down, and shot. it is noticeable more challenging to hold the pin steady while sitting down (for me). i\'ve never practiced it before. it was an eye opener.

i took it out to 40 yards and got good groups. at 20, i was aiming and hitting the tiny manufacture label/stamps on the corner of the targets. i\'m getting confident. again. almost shot my first robin hood, but only ended up destroying a few shafts.

my permanent opening day partner; my brother, not so much. he is so busy he rarely practices. he is like lightning. never hits the same spot twice.
I\'ll play. Some years are good for beards and spurs and some years not so good. I\'m not too picky about what I shoot except for jakes. Just as long as they gobble good. Two year olds are my favorite because they usually put on the best shows, you also don\'t have to worry about those 3/4 spurs when getting you when you pick them up :lol: .
Ok Dan it sounds good to me we can forget the weight. I\'m fine either way. Anyway some of the easterns get heavy if the winter isn\'t too bad. One year I shot a #31 and a #33 bird. Heck this is just for fun for me. Gives me a little challange instead of shooting the first Tom I see. I\'m going to try to get him with a bow too.
Those are huge birds. 24-25 are the biggest I\'ve ever killed. Ours just don\'t get much heavier than that down here in the hills. We do get some healthy beards though. I\'ve killed some 12\" and 11.5\" ropes.

Our winter had been pretty decent up until the last month. Finally everything is melting off and temps are warming up. About time to start flinging arrows!
i\'m ready.

(just kidding, this was my spot 3 years ago. population is way down)


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