2015 BackTrak Outdoors Turkey Contest

\"elky McElkerson\" said:
I\'ve never taken a fall bird.

Well once, but I used a truck.

I\'ve never taken a bird, period..... so...... :mg: :mg: :mg: :mg:
Fall is near....

I will be using different broad heads this time.
\"bowhunter\" said:
\"zpd307\" said:
no birds taken in mn this year...... :banned:

At least Kansas was good to you......
yes it was! it makes me even more glad that i shot that young jake. he was yummy!!!
yep, fall will be here before we know it....
Well, it\'s 5 EST on the 31st, so you know what that means.....................

Congrats Doug :upthumb:
I\'ll get you that Cabelas card in the mail.

Congrats to everyone who shot some nice birds this year :wave:
Thanks Dan!!!!

Sometimes a kick in the butt to hunt is needed. This was a good kick.

Congrats Doug!!! You did excellent.

you hit it hard this year! From the beginning all the way up until you got your bird, you gave it your all!
Congrats on a nice kill :upthumb:

Took this bird the last evening of the season, Sunday. Got some gobbles but wouldn\'t commit so had to get aggressive on the last day. Stalked a little, crawled a little till I ran out of cover. Had to take a longer shot than I like but it worked out. It was a fun season! Met some great guys! Looking forward to next year.

Thanks Dan for your time and effort put forth on this!

And congratulations Doug!
Fantastic bird, Tim and what a great picture :upthumb:
I always love the stories of the people who don\'t ever give up and go until the last day.

I\'ve heard lots of success stories for the last day of hunting. :upthumb:

And who knows.... maybe there will be some more fun contests coming like this ;) :mock: :tease:
Attaboy, Tim! Great bird and sounds like an even better shot. Long shots on turkeys are for sharpshooters only! Congrats

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