2015 BackTrak Outdoors Turkey Contest

Next weekend is our last of the spring season. Hope I get one more crack at them. My buddy that has the permission hates the smell of a dead turkey. He ran like a little kid when I opened the bird up. Now he can\'t eat them. So he wants me to. Win WIN! Haha. I offer to butcher his. But no. The smell ruined the meal for him.

Good luck for the season ender guys!!!!
Nice job Gary. Congrats on the birds. You done now or are the boys still hunting?
I just got home today. I only had one big tom in the area I was hunting and it got shot yesterday on the neighboring property.

My cousin shot a big one Saturday. 25 lbs 11 7/8 and a 7 in double beard. 1 1/4 spurs.
Had a great trip but lots of rain again.

Me and my daughter will be hunting here in MN this weekend.
\"F M\" said:
I just got home today. I only had one big tom in the area I was hunting and it got shot yesterday on the neighboring property.

My cousin shot a big one Saturday. 25 lbs 11 7/8 and a 7 in double beard. 1 1/4 spurs.
Had a great trip but lots of rain again.

Me and my daughter will be hunting here in MN this weekend.

Great bird your cousin shot.

Good luck to you and your daughter this weekend :upthumb:
no birds are down, here in Minnesota.... I was going to go out this am, but at 0350 hours, the trees were whipping around pretty goo due to the wind :(
that\'s it from California. no more spring season for us. it\'s over.

buddy didnt have it in him for an early hunt. think he drank too much.

that\'s fine. i didnt get skunked this year, like i thought i was heading for...all is GREAT!! for all those still plugging away..GOOD LUCK!!
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
that\'s it from California. no more spring season for us. it\'s over.

buddy didnt have it in him for an early hunt. think he drank too much.

that\'s fine. i didnt get skunked this year, like i thought i was heading for...all is GREAT!! for all those still plugging away..GOOD LUCK!!

Congrats again on your bird, Cliff :upthumb:
Cliff from your reports it sounds like you had a pretty dang good season. And a really nice Tom to show for it. :upthumb:
Dan, this has been the rainiest turkey season I can ever remember! It has rained every weekend since... wait a minute! Every weekend since you were here. A curse for turkey hunting but a blessing for the corn! Please come by once a month all summer!
I\'m done for this spring. I chased a big tom around for two weekends and had one close encounter with him but wanted him about 5 yards closer for a shot. I have had a awesome spring chasing turkeys all the way from Kansas to Wisconsin to Mn. I got to meet some of the nicest guys one could ever ask to hunt with on our BTO turkey hunt in Kansas at Tim\'s house. Thanks guys for letting me tag along.

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