Free Gear Friday!!!

1. How many arrows do you typically carry in your quiver?
I typically carry 4 arrows
2. Why did you decide on that amount?
My current quiver holds 7 arrows; I only carry 4 arrows because filling all 7 arrow spots seems like too much
3. Do you carry any small game arrows or are they all for elk?
Yes, I carry 3 with broadheads and 1 older/banged up arrow with a small game judo tip.
I usually carry 5 all with broadheads but I have 2 judos in the belt pouch of my pack

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And this is because shit happens and I like to have a lot of opportunities and some times your just stuck with chicken

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I do a five arrow quiver. Most I have used on a trip was 3  So I designate 1 arrow to grouse and have one extra.
4, it?s a good balance on the bow.
3 NAP broadheads
1 judo point for those elephant sounding squirrels or chipmunks in the leaves when it?s a slow day in the stands.

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1. 5
2. Because I dont want to run out and that's what the quiver holds.
3. Always an arrow with a small game head or an old dull broadhead for small game.

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I always carry 5 arrows because my quiver is for 5. I do carry 1 judo for practice and grouse.
1. How many arrows do you typically carry in your quiver?
2. Why did you decide on that amount?
>because in scouts I learned to always be prepared and it balances out.
3. Do you carry any small game arrows or are they all for elk?
>1=first shot carefully selected and has "a reason" 2=big game back up 2=small game typically field point and broadhead or 1 fluflu TOTAL 5 arrows

Good luck!

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1. 4 arrows
2. 3 arrows for elk and 1 small game. I decided upon this because I need one for the initial shot, 1 for possible follow up, and the 3rd JIC. Small game arrow is if I?m having a great day and want to miss a small target and cuss for destroying or losing an arrow.
3. 1 small game arrow

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1) 5 arrows
2) 3 aren't enough and any more just seems like added bulk and weight.
3) I usually have one blunt in case I need a practice shot if I'm concerned I bumped my sight out of alignment.

Thanks for the opportunity!
Only carry 5 arrows because that is what my quiver holds and all of them are set up for elk.
Five arrows because I didn't see the seven arrow model.
Three Kudupoint BH, one Muzzy mx3( for deer) and one judo point for grouse.
And I carry extra broad heads in my pack tha I can change out the others as needed.
I carry 4 piledrivers for elk with broad heads in my 5 arrow tightspot (older model). I carry one arrow, usually a flu-flu or hunting arrow with a damaged or imperfect vane, with a judo  point for birds. The 5 arrow quiver is perfect for its balance of weight, capacity, stabilizing and dampening. I want enough arrows to ensure I get the animal down and one for the grouse that startles the crap out of me!
I carry 5 because I have a 5 arrow TightSpot quiver and 2 extra mounts. Quiver gets moved from bow to bow.
Quiver has 4 sharp Iron Will and one practice that gets used for small game or coyotes.
I carry 6, 5 with broadheads and 1 with a judo point.  The one with the judo point is for grouse and practicing my range guessing.  I carry the other five for two because that's how many other spots I have on my current quiver and two because I don't want to be somewhere where I need more arrows and don't have them.
1. Three arrows
2. Was only a tree stand hunter when I purchased the quiver.
3. No small game arrows. With only three I need them all setup with broadheads.
1. I carry 5 arrows.
2. If I can't get it done in 5 arrows then it's not meant to be.
3. All broadheads. No time to deal with small game while I am elk hunting.
I carry 6 because that?s how many the quiver holds.  I typically carry 2 for whatever and the rest for the game I?m pursuing.  Being from the east I had to change set ups for western hunts a little.  Now that I?ve made to move west I?ll be looking for a one stop shop setup.

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