How to relieve joint pain?


New member
Jan 9, 2013
I have been working my butt off for the last 6 months. I have been running the entire time but in the last few weeks my knees have been killing me. I can hardly run 3 miles now and I feel it for a couple days. I am only 31 and have never really been out of shape. I may not be as fit as I was in college but I am getting dang close to it. The last thing I want is to be curled up in a tent not able to hunt because my knees can't take it.

Besides taking a  Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplement is there anything else I should do? Is there a Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplement better than another?
I'd try and rest your knees for a while. Running in particular is brutal on the joints, especially the knees. Vary it up too. Lots of great exercises out there that keep your endurance up and legs strong, without the abuse. Also, don't underestimate the benefits of stretching.
Ibuprophen every day.  Not only is it an anti-inflamatory, it also helps joints heal.  I've been to the point that I could hardly walk due to joint pain in the knees, it had been that way for weeks.  I started taking ibuprophen and pain was gone in a few days. 
I refer to it as Vitamin I  :)
I used to take ibuprofen daily but I don't anymore because it's hard on several internal organs. I take itwhen I need it for inflammation but then you aren't addressing the cause of a chronic problem, you are only dealing with the symptoms. I run 3 days a week but if I am getting sore I will cut that down to one day a week or once every two weeks. You will notice a loss in cardio if you don't keep it up but that's easier to get back than to recover from a knee injury.

My old roommate needed glucosamine chondroitin for his dog and he asked that same question and his vet said they are all the same. I don't know if you want to take health advice that was meant for dogs but that's my .02
Add some fish oil and I find that icing helps. I try to save the VitaI for season. Rest may not be a bad idea for a week as well and see if it makes a difference.
If it is only inflammation then meds will help along with ice. It is not uncommon to have loss of cartilage as we age or stressed ligaments.  I know this is not what you want to hear, but you should have a doctor look at it. Otherwise start doing low impact, high cardio for a while and see if it improves. It may also be time to get a new pair of running shoes. It doesn't take long to wear out a pair.

In the last few years I have developed plantar fasciitis and diagnosed with a minor meniscus tear in my left knee. I take ibuprofen regularly and am trying to get in shape for a half marathon in November. So, I am not following doctors recommendations to do nothing, but I also know I am not pounding bone to bone with no synovial fluids as I run.
I feel your pain. I have allergies to dogs and grass so I take allergy meds but they cause joint pain, so I took glucosamine but it comes from shell fish and Im allergic to shell fish. I have not yet tried the glucosamine that is made from vegetable oils. So I do eat allot of fish Not shell fish, and that seems to help.If any body has any input on the  glucosamine from vegi oil or any other Ideas I would love to here it.
Turbo, If eating fish helps, you may try some fish oil in gelatin caps.

I have developed an allergy to shell fish in the last ten years. I tried the glucosemine pills a few years ago and my joints started swelling and hurt worse. Had no idea that stuff was made from shell fish. Last year I tried a Mountain House Seafood Chowder while in elk camp. It did not go well for me, I was sick all night and up-chucked a couple times.
If you're going to use fish oil, make sure it has "enough" epa and dha. Those are the actual ingredients that give the benefits. A lot of people take fish oil, but the cheap stuff in the grocery store often doesn't have enough of the key ingredients, so they are wasting their time. I weight lift a lot (heavy, deep squats and deadlifts), and fish oil is just about the only stuff I use.
How much is "enough"? You'll have to look that up for yourself because everyone is different. I take about 4grams of epa and dha per day, but your mileage may vary.
Rest up for a cple days. Let your body heal then instead of running ride a bike. It's much better for your knees.
Besides the already mentioned fish oil, glucosamine/chondroitin, ibuprofen, and ice. I would take a look at your shoes and the surface you are running on. Shoes: if they are traditional running shoes how old are they and how many miles on them? Do you wear them all the time or just for running because even causal wear adds miles on shoes. The average running shoe should be replaced every 300-400 miles depending surface run on and body weight of runner; higher weight, hard surfaces = shorter life. Are they the right type of shoe for your gait? Are you a pronator in a cushion shoe or a neutral in a control shoe? Surface: do you run on asphalt roads or running paths? Concrete sidewalks are even harder. Look at running on trails, grass, rubberized tracks, or even the soft shoulder of the road as these are better on your body. Another thing to consider is your gait. Are you a heel striker? A long heel striking gait is harder on your body as well. Look at being a mid-foot to forefoot striker as this jars the body less; but make this transition slowly as it will tax different muscles and you will feel it. I am 46 been running my whole life (not a long distance guy though 3-5mi no more than 9mi) and have dealt with joint pain since turning 30. The glucosamine/chondroitin and all the other stuff definitely help but it isn’t always just age and wear and tear; sometimes there are real actual reasons that can be corrected. I also run much less than before and ride a bike; about 2-3:1 bike:run ratio now. One last thing I have recently completely transitioned to minimalist shoes and love them; well actually New Balance Minimus stuff with 4mm drop not full on barefoot zero drop stuff. I also rarely run on hard surfaces anymore and if I do no more than the 2 miles the Army requires of me. Hope this helps, pain sucks.
+1 for newbie, doing hills on a bike is great cardio and still gives the knees a break.  I still run three or four days a week and bike the others and has helped a ton.  Tend to stay away from ibuprofen due to what it'll do to your liver if used day in and day out.
After having both knees done with arthroscopic to ease the pain from way too many years of work and abuse,@ 58 I can hike for days without pain. Once in a while they will act up as will my back,but Ibuprophin, ice or cold water and not pushing it helps. 
Swimming is great exercise too. Bikes are good for all around.
I never was a runner except when chasing or being chased..... 8)
Good stuff being shared here. I purchased a mountain bike a couple years past and started riding instead of running when my Plantar fasciitis was the worse. Funny thing is riding on trails is a blast of fun and a great cardio workout. Problem is pushing the limits and crashing, flipping over the handle bars and general stupidity (on my part). Sprained a wrist and twisted a knee which has taken a while to heal. I considered riding street bicycles but I have a terrible fear of a driver accidentally hitting me.

My wife is a nurse and she says that Ibuprofen is hard on your stomach and kidneys. Tylenol and such is hard on the liver. I do not think any of it is good if used all the time or in excess.
I have been using an elliptical machine to go for 30/45 minutes to break up the running routine.

I set the machine in mountain/hill mode on stress level that places me on an incline. It causes me to sweat my tail off! 
I work this in with my lift routine when I go to the gym, & it keeps me in better shape I feel than the running does. It also makes me stronger on my runs. It is a great cardio exercise in my opinion.

I try hard not to run a lot at the age of 53, but I find that mixing up the routines keeps me from getting injured. Good running shoes are a must. I select my running shoes like my hunting boots. I place the best running shoes on my feet that I can afford.

My work outs are pretty rigorous. I have never been a marathon runner. I just vary the exercises accordingly to stay well rounded. To me the variety keeps me fit, & from injuring myself.

I have moved my cardio to the eliptical and hiking the local ski hill with 50 lbs in my pack. I am starting to suspect my shoes as my original problem. I was fitted in two different stores. Both suggested the same shoe. I still have my old pair of shoes which are worn out but I am going to log a few miles in them to see if it makes a difference. Thanks all for the replies. Lots of good info.
Well, it is not the shoes. I guess I am just not able to run any more. E-machine and the ski hill is going well. 70# in the pack now and I can barely make it up and down the steepest hill twice. Killer leg workout.
The Wilderness Athlete Hydrate and Recover has pulverized Glucosamine and chrondritin in it.  When I take it on a regular basis along with an Anti Inflammitory I notice a big difference.  It is also a great intra and post workout drink.
After more knee surgeries than I care to remember I have resorted to Cortisone injections once a year prior to Elk season.  It get's me through!  Running for me was done long ago, but Mtn Biking is way more enjoyable anyway!
if your knees are getting worn out i'd suggest that your form may be the culprit. do you have a heel striking stride or do you land on he balls of your feet? look into pose running techniques and mobilitywod as a resource if mechanics/ mobility issues are the problem. if you have serious joint inflamation, look into the relationship between wheat protein (gluten) and inflamation/ autoimmunity issues.... it can make a huge difference.
A couple things that I have come across is gluten causing inflammation in joints (my shoulder).  I reduced the amount of gluten, added glucosamine and tried chia seeds.  A buddy who runs a lot says it helped with inflammation while he trained for tough mudder and triathlons.  Its cheap and it may help.