Iccyman001\'s 2014 hunting journal

Man, what a great day! I drove out to the state land that I\'ll be antelope hunting in 49 days and I counted 23 shooters :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

I am so excited to get out there and hunt them. I also had an expensive day at cabelas and gander mountain yesterday...

I bought a new GPS, game camera, shotgun, scent control items, etc etc....

I hope you don\'t mind but I\'m going live vicariously thru your antelope hunt as I have never hunted goats
I among others are rooting for ya!
\"cnelk\" said:
I hope you don\'t mind but I\'m going live vicariously thru your antelope hunt as I have never hunted goats
I among others are rooting for ya!

I don\'t mind at all! It just keeps the pressure on so I have to make sure I capitalize! :train:
This hunt just keeps on creeping up on me and I love it.

Let me know how that 550 works out!
Today was an awesome day in the woods with my fianc? and our puppy!!!!

We went on a nice long hike and I got to scout/pull my cameras. I also hung an additional one.

I didn\'t bring the puppy near any of my spots and I am sure glad of that because at the same spot I came within 15 feet of that giant buck and the 8 pointer; I came within 10 feet of two beautiful does.

I had tons of bucks and does on my camera, so I wont bore you with too any.

I have that 8 pointer I jumped who looks like a shooter and a nice 6 (?) that will look good in a few years from now. Plus hogs, turkeys, and something small.

the does (look hard)

the small thing?

now I am not sure about this guy, I am very interested in how it turns out.......
Looking at the rack on his left side, I am not sure if its a bad picture or if it\'s going to be a really cool rack

give this guy a year or two

and the potential shooter...

all around it was just a great day. I love that my fianc? doesn\'t mind coming out for some scouting or a good hike!
\"cohunter14\" said:
Dan, all this time you get to spend in the outdoors is making me jealous! :upthumb:

I am just making sure I am ready for this year! It has such great potential. Also, any day in the woods is better than, well, almost anything :dance2:
So this was a pretty good4 day weekend.

I went to Cabelas and picked up a new GPS, some scent stuff, and a shotgun :crazy: along with a few other goodies

The new shotgun.

Then my new generator came in that I bought for my RV and as a backup for the house if anything ever goes wrong.

then last and perhaps my favorite part of it (Minus my scouting/hiking with my fianc?)

My dog is stray that my girlfriend and I took in and feel in love with..... well.... it happened again.

We honestly think they are somehow related. She is the sweetest thing and fits right into the house well

When we found her she was super skinny, full of ticks, and covered in cuts. We bathed her, removed the ticks, fed her, and I took her to the vet today. $300 later she has medicine to fix her stomach up (parasites)

I am a sucker for German shepherds, so this is a great addition to the family
I am going to scout Oklahoma this weekend and PULL all my game cameras. I don\'t want to, but I figure they will give me a great edge for my elk hunt. Then after my elk hunt I can go hang them back up.

I am really hoping to see some nice growth on the cameras, it\'s been a few weeks now :crazy:
Well, time is counting down and I am having those great feelings creep up on me.

This Saturday morning I\'ll be waking up (if I even sleep) and heading out on my first antelope hunt.
I\'ve scouted, I\'ve practiced as much as I can (I am not taking a shot past 45 yards)
I made my final cabelas order to make sure I will be ready for all of my seasons....

Now I just need it to be Saturday!

I cannot wait! After that I am putting as much scouting time into my elk area and getting onto them, that way I can get right to them opening morning.

I just wanted to thank everyone again for all of your teachings, mentoring, and everything else you had to offer.
I have a lot of confidence going into this year.

Thanks guys, I am pumped!

I had a great night of shooting last night.
I forgot my range rinder, so I just started at my 3D target, walk, turned, and shot.

I shot exactly 30 arrows and from about 10-60 yards (I paced it off after)

With my 30 arrows, I had 25 hit the boiler room and no target misses. Everything was on target and I am very happy with how I shot.
I will always range before I shoot, but it was nice to know that I have my distance judging down.

Well, today was the first day of my antelope hunt, first time going on an antelope hunt, and one of the hardest hunts of my life! :crazy:

Today overall I saw about 17 shooters. I think I underestimated their eyesight...
They always saw me well before I saw them. I was able to get 4 stocks in, but first let me tell you about my spot...

Flat, flat, flat, no vegetation to hide behind and... flat.

There is one small section that I can cut down into this small valley/creek bed, but it will be tough.
Don\'t let me sound like I am complaining though. I saw over 30 antelope today and bucks everywhere.

Now back to the 4 stocks....

The first one was a tiny buck that was bedding down near a guzzler. I ended up getting within 97 yards, but lost stuff to creep behind. So he caught me and went off.

Next was a group our 3 does and a buck. They were bedded down about 250 yards away. I tried using that creek bed, but when I came up they were gone.

The next one was a small buck bedded down. I tried using a white T shirt to keep it interested and it failed. 92 yards and he was gone.

The last one was the last hour of the day. It was a buck that was feeding and I spotted him 300 yards away. I ended getting within 81 yards and lost stuff to creep behind. I made one more small move forward and he must have heard me. I had the wind in my favor and I know he didn\'t see me.

MANNNNNNN it was fun falling on my face today. I failed over and over, but I guess I cant be upset. I learned a lot and now I have to put tomorrow into a better category.

I have church in the morning, but I will do an afternoon hunt. Then I will go wild this week.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend.
Sounds like you had a great day of hunting today. Good luck tomorrow afternoon.
Dan, glad to hear you were at least able to get close to a few. Antelope have amazing eyesight for sure, so being able to stalk inside of 100 yards on them is impressive! One thing you might want to try is patterning a few in the early morning. Figure out where they are going to be and then get in there before sunrise. We have had some luck doing this with Antelope. But I can tell you, we struggle a lot to close the distance on them to get within gun range. I cannot image trying to get within bow range, especially on flat ground! Good luck, hope you stick one!
Thanks Francis, I hope to make something happen here soon.

Derek, it\'s been crazy. I am going to try to pattern them, I have a feeling that I can make this work. The stalks are so much fun, but very long.
Everyone one I get closer and closer!

Anyways, Day 2\'s story.

I had a school final I had to do, so I woke up, completed that, and rode out to my spot.
While I was pulling up to park there was a FAT buck laying down in the middle of a field. I got all of my stuff out, suited up, and crawled to about 80 yards. Then once again I lost cover and again, I think he heard me.

Anyways, 2 other stalks, all the same outcome.

Then I had some luck come my way. I met some ranchers who own the public land and they sent me in the right direction. They sent me to a little water hole that looked like it was getting hit hard by antelope.

Then I dove down some more from the water hole and found SOME TERRAIN THAT I CAN USE TO MY ADVANTAGE.
I only had an hour left of sunlight, but I was able to put a stalk down on a monster buck and 4 does. I got within 75, but 5 sets of eyes is worse tha one....

Tomorrow I will be hitting the water hole early morning, then heading over to the terrain for the rest of the afternoon.

Game time!

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