I was sitting on the edge of the cottonwoods next to some open country with scattered cedars.
I was tucked up next to a big cedar and about 1/2 hour After sunrise I looked over and happened to see 6 deer heading up a draw to the open country.
Dang! They had passed somewhat behind me, so I adjust my position slightly in case more came
No sooner than I a settled in, I saw 2 deer on the other side of the draw, headed back into the cottonwoods.
They were moving around, nothing fast. Going behind trees, coming back out.
I knew it was gonna be a poke, but I sighted my gun for 150yds and with the 4x scope the shot was make able
A deer came out from behind a cedar and stood broadside.
I eared the hammer back, settled the crosshairs and BOOM.
The deer stumbled and started running toward me and then layed down.
The other deer came out and was looking around. The deer I shot was laying there with its head up so i reloaded. Not wanting to chance a deer jumping up and going into the woods.
Since the grass and sage was covering up the body I Once again eared back the hammer and settled the crosshairs on the neck
The deer disappeared in the grass.
After the shots, I ranged the distance. The first shot was 192yds. The second was 152yds
For those interested, I use Pyrodex P powder.
90grs in volume, 66grs in weight, pushing a 370gr Maxiball
thats throwin some serious lead a loonnnngggg ways. congrats and nice shooting.
as far as the shirt, i know rudy wheres that brand. that explains why he didnt see a buck, :crazy: