Sitka Giveaway!

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5. I've been elk hunting for 30+ years. Don't try to learn everything at once. The elk are unpredictable and will do something you haven't seen before.
I plan to hunt Idaho archery elk this year. Also hoping to draw western Washington multi-season elk.
This year I am most excited about the Idaho hunt! This will be my first time hunting me some Rocky Mountain elk in some awesome terrain!
I'm only applying for Montana elk/mule deer combo this year.  Pretty much an OTC tag.  Also getting points in MT, CO, UT, WY. 
This will be only my 3rd elk season and definitely most looking forward to covering country and interacting with bulls again.  Explored lots of country last year in MT and bugled in 2 6x6s but couldn't close the deal.  This is the year!
One piece of advice that I would have for someone interested in elk hunting is to know the equipment that you intend to use. Get very used to shooting and be very familiar with how your bow shoots in various weather conditions. (And take an extra release!)
Biggest piece of advice I would give someone just starting is cover ground and don't be afraid to bugle!  When I started I don't know how many times I heard not to bugle because it would just scare bulls away.  Listened to that the first year and it was a pretty uneventful season.  Second year bugled a lot and had 2 6x6s come into under 40 yds with numerous other interactions.
In preparation for this year I've been doing a lot of hiking with the backpack.  During winter on the treadmill while watching hunting videos.  I'm also heading back out to the mountains in spring to do some bear hunting/scouting/shed hunting.  Should be a great time! 
1. Tell us what states you applied for this year and what tag you hope for the most.

I am only hunting Oregon this year. I am hoping to be able to hunt pronghorn for the first time.
2. Tell us what you're most excited for this season

This year I am really excited to try and get my brother on his first big buck, and this is the first year that my son will be able to tag along for the trip.
3. Tell us what you are doing in preparation for this season.

This year I am doing a lot of scouting before hand. A lot of trips over the past couple of years have been on the seat of our pants kind of deal.
4. Share a picture of your previous elk hunt.

This girl was actually my first elk, and an amazing memory I had the opportunity to make with my dad.
5. Share one piece of advice you'd give to anyone interested in elk hunting.

I think this has been said by a couple of other folks, but just go. If it is something that you have been thinking about doing then take that leap and go. It is an amazing experience, and hard work, but it is well worth it. That and don't give up. You may not fill a tag in your first season, it took me almost 15 years of missed opportunities and lessons before I put my first on the ground, and it was well worth it.
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