Sitka Giveaway!

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I am most excited about my dad going with me to hunt Colorado. I have had the joy of hunting elk in Oregon, Idaho, and Colorado over the years but he was never a part of those hunts. The only elk hunt he had been on with me was a KY hunt 7 years ago (which was a blast- I will follow this post with a picture).
Applied for Colorado elk point. Will hunt OTC archery.....waiting

Applied to Kentucky bull tag

Will apply to Pennsylvania elk hunt
Most excited for another opportunity on the big bull I didn't get to shoot last year..Close but no cigar, the wind is not my friend!!!!
This year I am only hunting in Utah, but have already planned on an archery elk hunt in Idaho next year. Now I just have more time to plan, scout and finalize my plan.
Immediately after returning from the 2017 hunt I started buying items I needed; new game bags, Bee Stinger stabilizer, calls

Have a plan to carry heavy packs for training in preparation of humping into the elk woods. Loose weight!
In 2011 I was fortunate to draw a KY bull rifle tag for the first rifle season (likely a once in a lifetime draw).  My dad accompanied me that October to mountains of East KY and with the help of Gary Grant (Grace Elk Outfitters) I harvested this bull. It was 5th year I had an opportunity to elk hunt. The previous trips I taken were to Oregon and Idaho with OTC archery tags (I killed a bull in the Eagle Caps the first year I went). Things got a bit tougher in the following years hunts. KY was incredible. I was a KY resident for 6 years- drew the tag as a resident but then my occupation took me out of state late that summer. After several conversations the KDFW graciously allowed me to retain the tag but purachase an out of state license. The re-introduction of elk to KY is a remarkable story of conservation at work and provides an incredible opportunity for hunters lucky enough to draw a tag. Grateful for the experience and the memories.
If I could give one piece of advice to someone interested in elk hunting it would be... do it. Stop dreaming about it and make the plan and go.  There are tons of great opportunities out there to take advantage of.
The number one thing I would offer to a new hunter is to know that elk hunting is not an easy challenge. Do not let the desire to get an elk prevent you from enjoying friends and family and the journey. You can beat yourself up from not being successful and truly have a hunt that is not enjoyable, if you take it all too serious. Have FUN and make great memories!!!
I've already started doing sprints on the incline of my driveway to get in shape for elk season.  C'mon September.
Bought PP Colorado elk, will buy Wyoming elk, antelope, and mule deer points, also in draw for New Mexico archery elk, mule deer rifle , antelope rifle, and oryx.
But hoping for the archery elk New Mexico the most, if I don?t draw we will be going otc archery in Colorado.
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