What did you do today to work towards your 2018 season?

Today was a 2.6 mile run, legs, core, more yard work, and I?ll probably go shoot 30-50 arrows here this evening

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Broadheads are hitting at 40

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Today was a 2.5 mile run, chest, and triceps

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Today was a three mile run, back, biceps, core, and shot about 40 arrows. 

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Today was a 1.5 mile run, legs, and bow shooting in the morning. 

Then my evening workout was 2.5 mile hike with a lightweight pack.  Maybe 25lbs

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Today is rest day and packing and cleaning and losing the truck. Colorado bound in the morning! Now to find out if all my extra work has paid off this year

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Today was a 3 mile run, chest, tris, and core!

I?m ready!!!

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Today was another 3 mile run, shoulder, core, and shot my bow.  I?m so ready!!!

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On Sunday I downed my first archery bull, and on Wednesday I started working toward 2019. My wife and I knocked out a good 20-minute partner workout, rotating movements through 15 rounds of a 200m sprint, 3 snatches and 2 burpee pull ups. It felt good to be back in the gym after a long season.

Go get it out there, folks!
Spent 9 days in the backcountry living out of my hammock. Bagged a cow this year and she's already been converted to burger, sausage, stew meat and steaks. Had some amazing encounters daily. Felt great this year after working out all 12 months. Hitting the gym tonight for day 1 training for 2019 season!

Shot tonight at the range.... my elk season is over, but my deer is just about to kick off.... Oct-Feb... it?ll be fun :)

Up first...


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I?ve been shooting a bunch!

Deer season is about to kick off and I?m ready!