Whats your next hunt?

TX whitetail.

I shot a spike Saturday evening. the 7mm-08 makes it too easy. going back in a couple weeks, and will be primarily focused on coyotes the rest of the season.

My son will probably hunt with my dad in Sonora (alot more deer) and will bring back a couple more whitetails for the freezer.
My next hunt is for Whitetail. It is tonight, then tomorrow night and the next and so on. I will leave work 2 hours early all of November and hunt every evening. I will hit the mornings too on the weekends. I passed several deer so far and Saturday am a 110\" 8point at 15yards. I saw a 140-145\" 10point at 100yards Saturday evening but he wouldn\'t come closer. I will be hunting deer till Jan 10th. Then spring turkey and elk next September.
\"Atfrith\" said:
I\'ve never hunted WT in colorado, I see there are a couple leftover tags still for out east. I could use some more meat for the freezer as I split my doe with a buddy that was there, do i stand a decent chance at getting granted access out there Brad? I know there are quite a few SWAs along the platte that i\'ve small game hunted before, do they allow deer hunters on those during pheasant season? These are some noob questions I know, i\'ve just always concentrated on elk ya know. Also, I see \"season choice restrictions\", not quite sure what thats about. I\'m at work this morning though so i\'ll look through the regs and see if I can\'t answer my own damn questions :mrgreen:

Anthony, I looked into that as well but it looks to me like there is no public land available in the units that still have tags. You can double check what I found by using the Hunting Atlas maps on the CPW website. Those show all of the different public lands.
Yeah I did some more research as well and the tag I was looking at was a \"private land only\" tag. Bummer. There are still some antelope tags available for out east but I see they shut down the Big Game Access Land Access program they\'ve had the past few years. I didn\'t really hear any super good things about it, but at least it opened up some property .
Oryx hunt on a White Sands missile range in a week and a half. No, this is not a fenced/game farm hunt.
\"Wapiti7\" said:
Oryx hunt on a White Sands missile range in a week and a half. No, this is not a fenced/game farm hunt.

No it\'s not!!!!

Good luck. Can you fot hat hunt with a bow? My friend drew and took a good one. Rifle.
Cow elk here ... Maybe next weekend. The weekend after that will be rifle deer hunting in NE.
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
\"Wapiti7\" said:
Oryx hunt on a White Sands missile range in a week and a half. No, this is not a fenced/game farm hunt.

No it\'s not!!!!

Good luck. Can you fot hat hunt with a bow? My friend drew and took a good one. Rifle.

They now give you 2.5 days to hunt (assuming they don\'t have military exercises) and this particular hunt is a once in a lifetime deal, so I don\'t think too many people kill em with a bow. Their anatomy is different than deer/elk and are tough animals, which probably has some people leaving their bows at home. I have been out there 6-7 times with friends/family over the years and there were a couple opportunities if a guy had a bow. Guessing I\'ll take my bow, but I\'m sure I\'ll have a rifle handy. It\'s, by far, my favorite game meat and with not drawing an elk tag, freezer is getting low.
My friend did the once in a lifetime as well. Then he drew another oryx tag.

He must own naked pics of the governor. They draw way beyond the odds. So he has two oryx on the wall. Second one, they messed up and took a female.
I would see them driving to the ski slopes all the time. Big burly animals.

Saw one with a broken horn right by the freeway to Ruidoso. I got out to pee and there it was giving me the stink eye from about 30 yards. Shocked me b
They have once in a lifetime hunts on range, but they also have broken horn hunts on range. Additionally, they have off range hunts that run for a month, but success rates are much lower. Still a small amount of landowner tags, but most on large ranches (i.e. Ted Turner\'s Armendariz Ranch).
Going to try some Goose hunting this year. And tossing around the idea of some Nebraska or Kansas Whitetales.
So you guys thought you could hide...well with my superior tracking skills it only took me a few years to find you :)...actually Brad gave you guys up. The least you could have done is leave a forwarding address :).

Nice to see the old ElkCamp group is alive, well and flourishing.


Our next hunt will be our annual deer hunt in northern Minnesota...leaving Friday.

Last year\'s deer camp.
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wELKome Scot! What kind of tent is that in the picture? Some of the guys on here might be interested in something like that. It looks pretty nifty. Do you have more pictures of it?
Hey Bill,
It is a Cabela\'s Bighorn. Here\'s a picture of the tent five miles back in a wilderness area in Colorado.
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scot, are there any deer left up north. I quit going up around orr, 4 years ago. the deer were getting pretty thin then. now the guys around here that still go up north are saying they are lucky if they even see one.....
Hi Gary,

Over harvesting and a bad winter have put a lot of areas in some trouble I think. The far northeastern part of the state has always been up and down it seems...I go to Orr on a pretty regular basis, I really enjoy the Johnson Lakes.

we used to hunt just east of black duck lake. I shot my biggest buck ever up there in 2004, a 150 class 10 pointer....
Heading out on the 12th for a rifle Mule Deer hunt SE MT for a week or two. Last hunt of the year for me.

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