Camp Whack - AK - Moose 2016 - Story & Pics

Brad and his friend are in and have camp setup... Will start their hunt tomorrow... :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb: It\'s windy and rainy today...

OH, by they way, they saw 3 bulls near camp as they were flying in... :D :D :D

It could get interesting QUICK..... Stay tuned.... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Heard from Brad about 2 hours ago... My internet has been crazy all weekend and still is today.. Up and down.. Mostly down...

Having to use my iPhone for now...

Anyway, Brad said it rained all night and it was finally daylight... Rain was scheduled to end shortly and they would be hunting a ridge 150 yards from camp...

More to come later....
I haven\'t heard from Brad since this morning.... :silent: :silent: As soon as he updates me I\'ll get it on here... :upthumb: :upthumb:

The pictures and story will have to wait since Brad can\'t seen me pictures.... :downthumb: :downthumb:
Just got a text from Brad.... :D :D

Here\'s what he said with a word or two of mine put in.......

4:30 PM called in cow, calf and Spike Forked bull within 70 yards. Bull legal for Eric but passed on day 1... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

More to come.... I will get interesting as days go by... :upthumb: :upthumb: :

3 hours of daylight left...
Day 1 has passed and now it\'s Day 2.... It\'s been :silent: silent :silent: up until about 2:33 PM.... :D :D

Update for Day 2: At 2:33 PM CDT.... Text from Brad saying------\"Woke up to heavy rain. Clearing now. No wind. Forecast good. Need moose Now- Brad Knutson\"

Of course there was other information you don\'t need to know right now... :tease: :tease:

By the way, what time zone are they in anyway????? I forgot to ask... I think they are 3 hours behind me here in Central Time Zone but not sure... :? :?

I\'m almost 2 hours late on this update because I wanted ya\'ll to wondering where everything stood today... :haha: :haha:

MORE LATER?????? :dk: :dk:

4:35 PM CDT.... Hunting above camp. Calling occasionally - Brad Knutson
\"cohunter14\" said:
It should be 4 hours difference for you Phil...keep it going, we need updates!!!!

I know he text me at midnight Friday, so I figure it was pretty much behind us...

No more for now...
Make your shot count Brad. You know you just can\'t run back to town for more arrows up there. :ill: :mg:
Day 2 is done with no moose or bear and Day 3 is now in progress............

Just got this text from Brad....

10:43 AM CDT: No moose Tuesday. Back at it this morning. Weather cooler..

This InReach texting is getting interesting.... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I\'m waiting for THAT TEXT.... :D :D And know I\'ll get it sometime during their hunt... Just when, I don\'t know but ya\'ll will know as soon as I do... :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:
I, personally, think it would be a tough hunt ... confined to the shores of a small lake ... not able to strike out and say \"over there\" and climb a hill. I think the mental aspect could be real tough. Combine that with bad weather ... and I bet it\'s tough to keep calling when you don\'t \"really\" suspect a moose is in hearing range. I\'d lose my marbles up there.

I sure hope we get that text soon ... Brad doesn\'t have a ton of marbles to lose!
From what I can tell from the information I get when Brad sends me a text they are hunting a ridge on the north side of the lake they are close to... The lake is now really all that small....

I\'ll let Brad tell ya\'ll the rest when he get\'s back... :D :silent: :D :silent:

It should be getting close to darkness by now but haven\'t got that along with daylight figured out yet... :geek: :geek:

And yep it\'s gonna be a tough hunt to say the least... :agg: :agg:

I got energetic and found out a little information... It\'s A little after 10 PM here and the part of Alaska they are in is 3 hours behind me... So that would make it a little after 7 PM there... So they still have a couple of hours of daylight.... In the morning here it\'s hunting light between 6:15 and 6:30 AM so it should be get to be hunting light around 9:15 to 9:30 AM here...
Day 3 ended eventfully... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Received text from Brad at 11:31 PM CDT 8:31 PM their time I was asleep and didn\'t get it until this morning. here\'s what it said::: Action tonight called in a 40 some bull. 12Yds not legal but fun- Brad Knutson

Looks like things are looking up since the weather yesaerday was pretty good... :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:

Day 4 is about to start!!!!! I have a feeling today is the day.... No mulligan, but a legal bull... :D :D

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