Iccyman001\'s 2014 hunting journal

Sounds like you will be busy in November. That is a good time of year. Show us some pics of a big one. Good luck.
Sounds like one heck of a few weeks in front of you and an even better fiance! She\'s a keeper :upthumb:
\"Colorado Russ\" said:
Looking forward to the hunt Dan! Have a safe trip in MO.
Thanks Russ. See you soon!

\"cohunter14\" said:
Sounds like one heck of a few weeks in front of you and an even better fiance! She\'s a keeper :upthumb:
She isn\'t going anywhere :upthumb:
Thats why I am going home in the middle of all the hunts to celebrate her b-day! Taking her to a country concert! I already bought her a bunch of gifts too.

\"bowhunter\" said:
Sounds like you will be busy in November. That is a good time of year. Show us some pics of a big one. Good luck.
I will make sure I post them! I plan on dropping a few!
Don\'t want to answer for Dan but he\'s sent me a couple of texts. Seems the bucks are starting to push does around except for this one little bugger who we think has narcolepsy as Dan said he just stopped and laid down! Stayed there at least 45 minutes.

Don\'t believe Dan has launched an arrow yet and not sure if he has internet access.[attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->IMG_9705.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]


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thanks for the update. as cool as it is to have a deer bed down near you, it gets hold not being able to stretch a little after awhile.... got to watch a 140 8 pointer on opening day rifle season at 30 yards for 45 minutes several years ago. I was looking for something bigger back then. I couldn\'t stand not moving after awhile and started moving slightly. he eventually got up and walked away. I was still smoking back then and was glad to finally be able to light up.....
Tossing out a \'trailer\' if you will from Iccyman. Got a text from him this morning - didn\'t mention deer, well, any that were taken by a bow that is!

Just to pique your interest, it was last night and in the city limits of a small town in MO(of which has been blocked on my Garmin for any possible routes for upcoming trips)! Keywords: buck, jeep, lasso, leatherman, sheriff, ar-15, jail. That should get the ol\' gears turning until Dan has internet access and can give the details.
\"Colorado Russ\" said:
Tossing out a \'trailer\' if you will from Iccyman. Got a text from him this morning - didn\'t mention deer, well, any that were taken by a bow that is!

Just to pique your interest, it was last night and in the city limits of a small town in MO(of which has been blocked on my Garmin for any possible routes for upcoming trips)! Keywords: buck, jeep, lasso, leatherman, sheriff, ar-15, jail. That should get the ol\' gears turning until Dan has internet access and can give the details.

:shock: Can\'t wait to hear that story... I am trying to come up with a story that includes all of those things and it isn\'t easy! LOL
Kind of like the game Clue. Colonel Mustard in the library with the 10 mm errr I mean candlestick!

Dan had the lasso.
Dan\'s buddy had the leatherman.
Sheriff had the ar-15!
Nobody ended up in jail

I guess Dan doesn\'t have internet access or he\'d have posted some pictures off his trail cameras in OK.
Just got a text from Dan and a very nice buck taken in Oklahoma!! The rut action is picking up with the polar vortex/cold front. Don\'t know all the details other than I\'ll be enjoying some backstraps next weekend when hunting with Dan!

He\'ll be back behind the computer in a couple of days and plans on stories and pics.
I finally have internet on my phone :)

I\'m driving home 4 days early to save vacation time and spend time with my fiance.
I have some butchering to do, but then I will upload pics and write out a massive post.
Hope everyone was successful with their hunts and stayed safe.
Hello everyone!
I had some time, so I figured I would throw out a few pictures and some stories!

I am not going to lie, this trip had much more downs than up, but hard work and dedication paid off in the end.
I will start with my Missouri trip.

For those who don\'t know, my best friend from high school reached out to me this year and said we should plan a trip together.
I obviously liked the idea, so I said ok, put something together.
He picked Missouri and talked about what I thought was a lease... $1700 a week.
I public hunt only, but I wanted to spend time with him, so I agreed.

Well, I drove up to Kansas city, picked up him, his brother and his father, and we drove to.... an outfitters.... :downthumb:
We showed up to the place and I started getting the low down from him. Meals provided, lots of farms to hunt, max of 12 people in camp.....

Let me tell you what it REALLY was....

21 people booked for that week, I was allowed to hunt 1 stand and one stand only, my guide told me wind was not important during the rut :crazy: , no breakfast provided because they were afraid we would poop near their stands, lunch was a sandwich they packed(bread, one slice of cheese and one slice of meat.), A MINIMUM SCORE TO SHOOT A BUCK... if you did not shoot at least a 125\' deer, you were fined $500, and even worse... day one they told me that I could not shoot any does.

So here I am 1700 in for the week, plus 225 for a non-resident tag..

To make things worse, I was in a camp with egotistical punks who only wanted to talk about their trophies that they killed.... at outfitters.
Disclaimer, if you hunt at outfitters, please don\'t take offense to this. This is just my opinion and I am sure everyone has their reasons.

To my, I enjoy all aspects of hunting. Scouting, practicing, miles of hiking, hanging cameras, studying maps, etc.....
So then when I shoot something, the reward is great.

To me, going to an outfitter and shooting an animal is not hunting. It means you are a good enough shot to kill something, but you did nothing, but pay someone else to do the work.....

SO anyways, I saw sun up to sun down everyday there and never saw a buck remotely close to 125\'

The biggest buck I saw was about 100\', but here is what irks me. I just started bow hunting last year. I was able to kill a small buck with it last year and was HOOKED. So here I am staring at this 8 point 100\' deer and thinking I could shoot this and be more happy than these outfitters have ever seen, but then get fined $500... it made me upset.

I did however see PLENTY OF DOES. I saw Russ already posted it, but I had a button buck come in and sleep under my stand for over an hour and a half.
He was my new friend, one of the very few positive experiences out there. I was waving to him and talking to him and he just sat under me smiling. It was very cool.

Anyways, fast forward to the final day. I was seeing nothing, but does, so I text the guide. \"Is there any way I can just shoot a doe today, it would make me very happy.\" He responds and tells me I could have the whole time..... this 4 days after they told me I couldn\'t.... :problem: :lolno:

So yeah, without me saying too much more negative stuff, that trip sucked....

BUT I did almost get shot by some of Missouri\'s finest....

I hope you brought popcorn for this....
My friends brother and I ran into town (Scott, it was your old town :clap: )
We went to walmart and headed back to our outfitter.
Right outside of the parking lot, I saw a jeep over on the side of the road that looked like gas was spilling out the bottom....
As I got closer I realized it was radiator fluid. After I went passed it I noticed a buck sitting behind the jeep laying down, but with his head up, fully alive....

I pulled over because no one else had and the man explained that he and his son just hit the deer a few seconds ago.
I looked at him and saw the jeep hit him, broke all his legs, but he was fully alive :(
I am a hunter through and through, but I never want to see an animal suffer.

My friends brother is the same as me, so we decided we needed to solve this issue.

First goal was to get him out of the street. He was trying to run deeper into the road and cars were almost crashing because of it.
Now enter the lasso....

I grabbed a tow rope from the bed of my truck, tied it up and wrapped it around the deers horns....
I drug him off the road and now we set our game plan.
I did not have my bow or guns in my truck because we took them out for our walmart trip.

The only thing we had was my multitool.

My friend asked me to hold him down and he was going to just do a quick cut of the neck. Well this adrenaline filled, rut crazed buck, had a different plan.

So after that failed, he decided he was just going to stab the heart.

I held his head down and he stabbed the deer. As he started stabbing the deer, the cops pulled up.....

Great, now we are going to jail....

The cop comes out, asks what is going on, and then says stop what we are doing, his supervisor is coming to shoot the deer.

The blade on my multi tool was not deep enough to reach the heart sadly, so we waited....

Well a cruiser pulls up and this older Sgt goes to his trunk and pulls out an AR-15.

Now, I am holding this deer by the rope, 1 ft from his head and behind the deer. Without saying anything the cop walks up and and SHOTS WITH ME BEHIND THE DEER.

Guys, I am absolutely floored and confused at what just happened.

No \"hey guys, I am going to shoot in 5,4,3,2,1...\" or \"let\'s clear the area and be safe\"


Well, before I can even say anything, I noticed the deer is fully alive still. BANG

Two shots, I had not even moved and this guy could have killed me twice off a badly placed shot or a bullet hitting something and bouncing at me...

After the second shot the deer was still alive.
The Sgt says \"oh yeah, I am shooting frag rounds, let me go to my car and get FMJs\"

My blood is starting to boil now and I could tell my friends was too.

The officer comes back with the new bullets and BANG. This time I was at a safe difference and not behind the deer.

Still alive....

I am standing near the deers head, maybe two feet away and the cop says\" I am just going to aim for his skull\"


Now I have had it with this whole situation.... I\'ve almost been shot, but worst of all, my entire intentions have been destroyed.
This animal which we wanted to not have suffer has now been shot 4 times, stabbed, and hit by a car.

I told the cop to put the *#(($(@$* gun down and used many other choice words after that.
My friend had also had it, so we took our luck with the angry buck.

I held him down with all I could and he cut the neck.

It was over, but it was the craziest experience that I have had in a while........

SO yeah..... 1st part of the trip....

So we dropped off my friends brother and father at the airport, drove to new mexico, picked up my trailer and drove out to Oklahoma.
We arrived there Sunday afternoon and waited for my other friend to show up.
He showed up 30 minutes later.... with a 14 week old puppy.

anyways..... fast forward

When I showed up I saw a dog on one of my game cameras late at night and thought that was odd. Well Monday while we were out hunting, one of the guys that I was hunting with saw a hunting dog run by and no owners behind.
Well, now its tuesday and single digits out. I was out hunting and this dog came running up to me. Skinny as can be, cold, and looking for shelter....

I picked her up, took her to my truck, put on the heat, took her to my trailer and gave her food and water.
I looked at her collar and found a number. I called the owner and found out she had been lost for 5 days. He lived in Tulsa Oklahoma, 4 hours away from where I was hunting.

So I told the owner that I would meet him halfway and drove to Oklahoma city 2 hours away.
After dropping off my friend at the bus station I met the owner.

He was very grateful and I was very happy. He offered me money, but I refused. I have 3 stray dogs that I took in and I LOVE dogs, so I was just happy they were reunited and that I could save her life. She would not have made it another day.

Anyways, drove back to the trailer and now it\'s just me, my friend and the dog that chews everything....

Ok, now lets talk POSITIVE, WOOOHOOOOO!!!!

Guys, I scouted all year, I hunted from before first light until past sun down, and after all the blood, sweat and tears, I was successful....

I shot him at 18 yards, quartering away, he went 20 yards and that was that. TO MAKE THINGS EVEN BETTER. THIS WAS ON THE GROUND!

No treestand, no store bought blind, I shot him on the ground behind a natural blind that I made.

I can\'t even begin to tell you how happy I am with this buck. He has such a cool rack, he tastes great, and it was just so rewarding after all of the hard work that I put in out there this year.

I missed so many details on this trip, more ups, more down, but in the end I learned so much as a person and as a hunter on this trip.
I cannot thank god enough for blessing me with all of these experiences and allowing me to take this buck..

The best part is....

I still have another buck tag and four doe tags for out there.... :upthumb:

A notable mention: I had someone teach me how to butcher a deer! My friend spent 4 hours going through the whole process with me saturday night. I had so much fun and learned a lot. I also gave him half the meat for his trouble.
I forgot to mention...

I found this in my trail cam albums today...

This is my deer....

taunting me before the season started...

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