Iccyman001\'s 2014 hunting journal

The last message I got sounds promising....

\"SMOKED HIS butt\"
He chose a different word, but I\'ll keep the thread PG.

I\'m hoping to see a picture here soon.
I\'ll leave the rest of the story for Russ to tell, but
\"Smoked his butt\" is short for adios heart and lung.

Nice buck down.
Awesome glad to here he connected. Can\'t wait for the story and lots of pics.
I think Russ is at his buddies rifle hunting.
He will post them as soon as he gets internet!

I am heading back out tomorrow. I am hoping to make something happen.
It\'ll be high of 70s, so I am hunting with a tank top :train:
Ok, so welcome to the story that you wouldn\'t believe it if I didn\'t have pictures.

As many of you know, I have been chasing this big buck all year. I took him from a 3 square mile area down to a 1/4 mile square area.
Well, yesterday I drove out to Oklahoma with hopes of an afternoon sit and to check my camera in my hot spot.
Well the drive took longer than planned and I hit my area at 4:45 pm. Sundown was 5:24 so I had until 5:54 to hunt...

The wind was in my favor, so I drove right to my spot and didn\'t change.

In a white tee shirt, blue jeans, and cowboy boots, I walked to my hot spot, pulled the camera, and to reviewed them.
I had deer DAILY throughout the day, over the past 2 weeks. Nothing to brag about, but I figured I could shoot a doe. I also knew the brute lived in the area.

Well, after I checked my camera I saw the last time I remember 5:10.
After that I saw a deer. First thing I noticed was \"hey, there is a deer.\"
Then I noticed it was a buck and was coming down my lane....

Then I saw it......

the curved brow tine....

I almost puked.

I got down on me knees and went VERY SLOW. The wind was in my face and he was working his way down to me. I drew back and then he stopped at 15 yards semi quartering to.
This is when I noticed the problem. The wind was swirling....

He was not a young buck and I could see him sniffing in the air.
I picked the spot I wanted and let my arrow fly.

This is when the \"fairly tale begins.\"

The buck DROPPED in it\'s spot. I did not hit the spine. I have NO idea what dropped him so hard, but he went DOWN.

So here I am, I just watched my buck of a life time drop in front of my eyes, and then I let the adrenaline play nasty games.
He started doing the \"I am dead, but still moving\" routine, so I could only think of all the nasty threads where people shoot monster bucks, it drops, then gets up and runs away....

Well... I knocked another arrow and made sure that was not going to happen. The original shot was the kill shot.
The second was ok, now I can breath.


Don\'t believe me?

I wouldn\'t either, but....

I could not believe it guys. I wanted to puke, I couldn\'t stop yelling with happiness, I could not stop shaking.
After a season of narrowing down on this guys, hard work paid off.
My first full season in Oklahoma at this spot and I have pulled two nice bucks.

You can see on some of the pictures, the entry wound mid back. That was shot number two. Took out his lung.
That is just amazing!!
And to see yourself in th game cam pic before and after the shot, what are the changes of THAT!!!!
Holy cow dude!

Enjoy that scotch for sure, because it is deserving!
I could not believe it myself!
I plan on printing these pictures out and framing them!

As for this....

I\'ve learned that there are some things that are better enjoyed on your own and some things that are better shared with a crowd.

So with that being said, if we all ever decide to have a meet up or if I head out to Colorado for an OTC hunt next year, maybe it\'ll be better shared with you guys!

1981 Dalmore. Only 494 bottles made
Dan, that is one of the coolest things I have ever seen with the trail cam pics! Awesome story and glad you were able to arrow him. Any idea on size?

I guess on the other thread where you were asking for suggestions, we should have said \'get out there in a white tee shirt and jeans...\' :lol:

Congrats again man, you have had a hell of a season and this is one way to really top it off!
Thank you so much guys!
I was definitely blessed with a good year! I don\'t plan to end it yet either :wave:

Derek, after a few rough scores, it\'ll be over 160\".
I am going to have it professionally scored after it comes back from the taxidermist.
Matt and I were looking at your pics yesterday and we both think its gonna score in the 165 range.
Helluva deer!
\"cnelk\" said:
Matt and I were looking at your pics yesterday and we both think its gonna score in the 165 range.
Helluva deer!

That makes me very happy to hear! He probably has an inch or under in deductions, so he will net well! I was also thinking 165 range.
You guys will be the first to know once it\'s official.

Thanks again!

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