Sitka Giveaway!

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Prepping for archery elk.. been lifting every morning, walking, just ordered brute force sand bags, also have started a lean elk, and antelope meat diet,
What I am most excited about, is my son Bryan is gonna be going with me as a non hunter on my Colorado otc archery elk hunt, or New Mexico if I draw, he has never been and want to experience it, so I?m pretty excited about him coming to the mountains!!!
I?m gonna share a couple pieces of advice,
1. Get in shape, when u think you are in shape, work harder, mountains will kick your butt.
2. Learn to use calls, and when to use them, watch videos, listen to podcast , take some online elk courses, everything you can do to help you, do it. And stay patient, and don?t be overwhelmed, just keep at it.
Will be applying for a archery LEH (limited entry hunt) hunt in Smithers, BC. There is a new archery and rifle LEH opening for 2018. The elk herd in the area has expanded and is right in my backyard. No idea what the odds will be yet but the draw is taking place in late may/early june.

Otherwise will be hunting open season bull elk, 6pt minimum in september. Will also have stone sheep, caribou, moose, goat and deer tags for same area. Elk is priority always, best table fare!

I am already losing sleep.
Good advice I can give is to not to give up to early on a plan, stay strong mentally when things get tough. Heading back to camp in bad weather or a thoughts of a midday nap are tempting. But pushing that last mile or waiting out weather can be so rewarding. I don't think there has been a day where I thought "I wish I went to camp earlier."

I'm most excited this year about trying to help a buddy get a bull in WY as it's been probably 10 years or more for him!  He drew a tag I had a couple years ago and I'm looking forward to going back to help him probably more than for my hunts!
I've been backpack training throughout the winter maybe once a week and have picked it up a bit.  Weight will increase as will the frequency as fall draws near!!! :crazy:
Actually my best advice for a new hunter is to subscribe to EHU here on Elk 101 as it is by far the best resource covering everything from A to Z.  My next best advice is to start training now focusing mostly on legwork.  Start slow and increase frequency as elk hunting is usually tough even if you are in decent shape.
I like to take the time to listen to other elk hunter to see there techniques that they use to hunt elk and try some out some times what a valuable lesson.
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