What did you do today to work towards your 2018 season?


Jun 13, 2017
It's never too early to start preparing for the 2018 season.
Typically during whitetail season and the winter I throttle back a little on workout intensity (I don't stop) and enjoy the holiday meals. ;)

This year I won't do that, so why not start the annual "what did you do today" thread a little early.

For those of your who are not familiar with it; please share what workout, cardio routine, or whatever you did for the day to prepare for your 2018 season.

Good luck everyone and remember "The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there." - Vince Lombardi.

:train: :train: :train: :train:
I'll start......

After this last year I wanted to ramp up my weakest point and that's my legs.
So today was a leg day.

Leg presses 6 sets x 10
Leg curls 4 sets x 10
Leg extensions 4 sets x 10
Hack squats 3 sets x 10
Front squats 3 sets x 10
Lunges (racket ball course back and forth x 3)

Then i finished it up with a 15 minute inclined walk, 5 mile cardio bike ride, abs, and core!
I also through in 40 push ups for good luck!  :train:
Looking at stats and researching to see how I can hunt Wyoming elk for the 4th season in a row:)
Sure, hit me up on a day when I was somewhat 'forced' to hit a buffet for lunch while working. And let's just say I got my money's worth!

I have continued to work on cardio more than anything lately. It's definitely tough to keep it going after elk season passes, but I've tried to stay with it. I hate running, so I've been trying to do a bunch of weighted hikes or hit the treadmill and crank it up as steep as it goes. I've also been focusing on strength and flexibility in my hips and ankles. Those are weak spots for me and the hips can trigger low back pain as well, so I'm doing what I can to turn those areas around.

Just like every year, I'm hoping to head to this year's hunt feeling the best I ever have. We'll see how that goes!
My hunting partner set me up with a day by day routine.. I work better when I have one layed out for me. Finished this one off with a 20 min 2.5 mile hill run on the elliptical. Were looking forward to 2018.  Start incorporating heavy pack hikes soon  !
Super set leg press x 5 sets
Normal stance 40 reps
Wide stance 25
Super set x 4
Single leg extensions 20
Squats 20
Superset x 4
Calf raises pigeon toed 20
Calf raises wide stance 20
Turnercody said:
My hunting partner set me up with a day by day routine.. I work better when I have one layed out for me. Finished this one off with a 20 min 2.5 mile hill run on the elliptical. Were looking forward to 2018.  Start incorporating heavy pack hikes soon  !
Super set leg press x 5 sets
Normal stance 40 reps
Wide stance 25
Super set x 4
Single leg extensions 20
Squats 20
Superset x 4
Calf raises pigeon toed 20
Calf raises wide stance 20

That?s nice your partner laid all that stuff out for you.  :upthumb:
Good luck with your training. 
Thought about it a bit.... :-D :-D

Heart and Pulmonary Rehab starts after the 1st of the new year... :train: :train:
I read Dan's post and was tired just thinking about it !! LOL :eek:

So I went for a nap !! :tease:

This morning was a nice chest workout, sprints, and core.

Inclined DB presses  4x10
Inclined flies 3x10
DB presses 4x10
DB flies 3x10
Declined DB presses 4x10
Dips supersetted with push ups  4 sets of 10/10

Approx 10 minutes of sprints. 40 seconds on/20 seconds off.


I have to get ahead of the holiday meals that are about to come ;)
Today got up and drove to my cardiac doctors appointment... Walked from my truck to the building and rode the elevator up to the 3rd floor... The nurses had to hear about the snake bite and the doctor told me everything heart wise is ok and not to play with snakes anymore.. I then retraced my steps and when home and took a long nap... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

When I woke up I went out to the road and drug our empty trash containers back to where I took them from last night.. They were full last night... :train: :train: :upthumb: :upthumb:

I know my routine is noting exciting but at least I'm trying... :-D :-D

I?ve been jogging. I hate it. My dog loves it. He is so fast and we haven?t learned how to run as a team. Man. I?m tired right now. He?s looking tired too.

Doing three miles a day.

Sucks there is so little daylight now.
Squats - 5 x 6-8
leg extensions - 3 x 10-12
leg curl - 3 x 10-12
calf press 3 x 1 min
box step ups
10 minutes on row machine

crawled to the car.....then napped in said car.  :train:
Boom, you are doing it all wrong. I just turn my dog out and watch her run. Much easier on my knees that way.
I had a nice 4 mile hike today. It was suppose to be a day off, but I don't really count hikes or walks ;)
I went hunting this morning and ended up doing a nice 6 1/2 hike.  I?ll add more to it this evening. [emoji106]

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Keg day. yesterday

went out for beers with all the supervisors.  all my coworkers are pissed at me, because only two of us minions got the invite.

me and Brian are hungover at work keeping up with the bosses. 

bleech..i'm going to ride the big hill on my mtn bike today..hope i dont puke.
Hello everyone, I'm new to the site, just started my workouts back up, today was a five mile run, and tomorrow will be the same, next week I will start working weight training back into my routine.

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