2016 Season Workout

oh boy. mothballing dan\'s thread!!

2016!! let\'s do this. i plan for next year to be the opposite of this year. i will hunt more. some dumb (mine) mistake at work, took the wind out of my sails this season. i fixed it three weeks ago, and came out the other side: 1. didnt get fired 2. learned a mistake i will never ever do again..ever ever ever again. 3. impressed my bosses with my dedication and commitment and they want me to take the promotional exam. (yea..felt weird - like the opposite of being fired) 4. my fix was awesome and very inexpensive.

i am hovering right around 185-188 lbs. i am kinda kicking around the idea of going full teetotaler. to get down to the 179 range. my cardio is kicking butt, my legs are good.

i will keep it up. jogging, mountain biking, road biking. and highschool calisthenics. burpees,sprints, jumping jacks, etc.

trying to learn out to to a proper bunny hop on my mountain bike left me with a very sore left wrist yesterday. i know now i am getting more (gasp) fragile. haha..getting old sucks.
\"elky McElkerson\" said:
oh boy. mothballing dan\'s thread!!

2016!! let\'s do this. i plan for next year to be the opposite of this year. i will hunt more. some dumb (mine) mistake at work, took the wind out of my sails this season. i fixed it three weeks ago, and came out the other side: 1. didnt get fired 2. learned a mistake i will never ever do again..ever ever ever again. 3. impressed my bosses with my dedication and commitment and they want me to take the promotional exam. (yea..felt weird - like the opposite of being fired) 4. my fix was awesome and very inexpensive.

i am hovering right around 185-188 lbs. i am kinda kicking around the idea of going full teetotaler. to get down to the 179 range. my cardio is kicking butt, my legs are good.

i will keep it up. jogging, mountain biking, road biking. and highschool calisthenics. burpees,sprints, jumping jacks, etc.

trying to learn out to to a proper bunny hop on my mountain bike left me with a very sore left wrist yesterday. i know now i am getting more (gasp) fragile. haha..getting old sucks.

I am thinking about picking up a mountain bike for training. Any tips you can give? I have a friend who is an avid biker and it would give me another good cardio option when I am at home and not working. My job has a wellness program and we get paid to workout and we have a real nice gym.....so when I am not working the workouts I get are hiking or walking. Thinking that mountain biking could really help a lot.
\"Bowfreak\" said:
I am thinking about picking up a mountain bike for training. Any tips you can give? I have a friend who is an avid biker and it would give me another good cardio option when I am at home and not working. My job has a wellness program and we get paid to workout and we have a real nice gym.....so when I am not working the workouts I get are hiking or walking. Thinking that mountain biking could really help a lot.

i started riding when i was to out of shape to jog. once i started jogging, i kinda forgot about my bikes. then my knees started getting sore. oh o!!

out came my bikes again, then my wife bought me a new SICK mountain bike and i am \"ALL IN\"! i explored my jogging trail area and strung together a pretty good daily ride. my knees are way happier. deep down inside, i am more than happy to save my knee MILEAGE for the elk mountains. i heard we have a limited number of bends and lifts our knees can take. my ride goes out my garage and i ride to the trail area, do the trails, and ride back into my garage. takes me 1.5 to 2 hours. i have some epic climbs. best i can describe it is i REDLINE my heart-rate. legs spinning, just trying to climb these crazy steep hills. at the top, i have no choice but to go really slow or stop. so i ride 5-6 days a week. that is 10-12 hours a week!! everytime i visit the doctor, some smug nurse asks me how much exercise i get per week. i cant wait to tell him/her..\"2 hours a day, 6 days a week..take that!\" jk..i love my doc and nurses..:) i think mtn biking is like interval training. your HR is all over the place. redlining one place..@85% at another place. it is really good for you. my legs has veins sticking out of them now..my body fat i have? it is not on my legs. (i resemble a chicken..skinny legs, fat body )

buy a bike!! mountain bike. you dont need full suspension if you just want to learn to climb. and as elk hunters, we should really focus on the climbs. mountain biking might be the most tech-head populated activity..bass fishing, golf..pfft!! those guys dont get into gear like a mtn biker. finding a fresh used bike that is being sold for the latest and greatest is super easy..just look at craigslist. my bike is a 2015..and 16 was a new model..my bike price dropped like a stone. boo. everyone is upgrading. i bought new purely for the warranty. my bike is carbon fiber, and my ass is heavy..i wanted the warranty. :)

and cholesterol..i want to chime in. my number crept over the limit by a few points. nothing brought it down until i switched my lunches to dark green salads and my breakfast to steel-cut oatmeal with walnuts and dry fruit. <-----i eat that every single work day. no exceptions. my doctor was blown away by how much i dropped my numbers simply by diet. it sucks..but i got used to it and now it feels normal. eating eggs in a burrito feels foreign to me on a workday. meat, i try to eat as much wild game as possible, but i\'m a mediocre hunter..haha..

good luck everyone. 2016 is gonna be our B___!
awesome terry!!!! I guess I haven\'t been on here for a few days..... kinda been busy here on my end.....
terry, youre making me feel bad :D
but..... I have been chugging along with my mild workouts, and am happy to say..... the scale said 174 :clap:
I go to the gym Monday-Thursday so I have the Friday-Sunday to get caught up and hunt. I hiked about 3 miles deer scouting on Saturday. I moved 2 or 3 treestands. My wife also put me to work cleaning house this weekend. :downthumb: I hurt worse today that I did climbing mountains elk hunting. I am not sure what I did but it sucks. Unfortunately I am not 20 anymore....LOL
My 450 push-ups Saturday turned out to be 500 and I felt great afterwards. No pain the next day.

I cut a load of firewood Sunday and split the big stuff with an axe. Thanks Dan :)

I will be doing 225 lunges with 50 extra pounds today :D
i think i am going to quit alchohol.

i am not an anything-aholic..but the social aspect will be tough to quit. and i am moving to WINE COUNTRY!!

i really dropped weight when i quit drinking last time...i had a liver infection or something..doctor\'s orders.
Good work. I would caution against going to crazy too fast. Pretty soon it\'s January and you\'re burned out and the season is still 8 months away. That\'s me anyways. I am fortunate that I stay in relatively good shape year round though so it\'s different for everyone. I do remember my first scouting trip I had half mile up hill and thought I might not make it. Haha!!!
\"zpd307\" said:
173 on the scale today!

How do your knees feel?

I bet they are feeling real good. You will be floating light a feather on those mountains. :upthumb:
Nice run last night and a great back workout

I already killed my shoulders today and plan on running tonight!

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