2017 season what did you do today/workout thread....pt.3

[attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->P4220019.JPG<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]Just got back from a 5 night trip with the wife in the back country of the smokie mountains. First real trip with the new kifaru (not counting training hikes), and couldn\'t be happier with how it performed. We averaged about 8.5 miles a day going from camp to camp. First night\'s camp was located at the highest peak in the picture. The trail had nearly 2400 ft of elevation gain over the last two miles. Nice way to start the trip. The rest of the days had some decent elevation gains (1000-1500) but where spread out over a longer distance. A lot of climbing up and down the ridges. Then spent a couple nights in a private cabin outside of Sevierville, TN. Learned the new tent can with stand thunderstorms...that I need to make a concerted effort to drink enough water...some equipment that you think is essential never gets used...legs are in pretty decent shape but still work to do...I can\'t wait for hunting season to get here!!!!!
Friday afternoon I had a Medial branch nerve block and corticosteroid anti-inflammatory shots in my lower back today.
This morning before work I did my 2 mile jog with dumbells so I guess this evening will be a good gauge to determine what\'s next
I have a bad shoulder so I bought a crossbow and got my handicap permit so I could still hunt this fall. But what a dumb cluck I am, The bow is 185# draw weight. I had a heck of a time pulling it back. Looks like I\'ll be hitting the weights to build up my back and shoulders.

Any of you lifters have any recommendations as to what exercises I should use to help out? I\'m thinking weight lifting might be the way to go.
Maybe one of theses will help Bill. Lots of brands on the market to choose from.

<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.basspro.com/Barnett-Crossbow-Rope-Cocking-Device/product/1203200501099/\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">http://www.basspro.com/Barnett-Crossbow ... 200501099/</a><!-- m -->

<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"https://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/universal-crossbow-cocking-harness?a=904205&pm2d=CSE-SPG-15-PLA&utm_medium=PLA&utm_source=Google&utm_campaign=CI&gclid=COOPkIqM0dMCFRi4wAodqAoDZA\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">https://www.sportsmansguide.com/product ... wAodqAoDZA</a><!-- m -->
\"bowhunter\" said:
Maybe one of theses will help Bill. Lots of brands on the market to choose from.

<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.basspro.com/Barnett-Crossbow-Rope-Cocking-Device/product/1203200501099/\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">http://www.basspro.com/Barnett-Crossbow ... 200501099/</a><!-- m -->

<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"https://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/universal-crossbow-cocking-harness?a=904205&pm2d=CSE-SPG-15-PLA&utm_medium=PLA&utm_source=Google&utm_campaign=CI&gclid=COOPkIqM0dMCFRi4wAodqAoDZA\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">https://www.sportsmansguide.com/product ... wAodqAoDZA</a><!-- m -->
One of those came with the bow. It\'s still a tug even with the pulley device.
Bill, what part of your shoulder is bad? I could throw some different exercises at you, but it would help to know what limitations you might have.

When it comes to pulling back a crossbow, I think the biggest thing you could work on is your Lats. Lat rows, lat pull downs, or bent over lat rows would all certainly help I would think. But again, I\'m not sure if that\'ll affect your shoulder or not.
Had an amazing week of running. Ran a trail race on Saturday and got 5th overall....easily won my age division (geriatric division :lol: ) Then, Sunday, ran the last long run of my marathon training....22.2 miles, ending the biggest mileage week of the program at 61 miles for the week. Now my taper starts and only 3 weeks to Med City Marathon!

I\'ve dropped 17 lbs. since I started this program in January. My legs feel great and I\'m so ready to get this race over with!
\"cohunter14\" said:
Bill, what part of your shoulder is bad? I could throw some different exercises at you, but it would help to know what limitations you might have.

When it comes to pulling back a crossbow, I think the biggest thing you could work on is your Lats. Lat rows, lat pull downs, or bent over lat rows would all certainly help I would think. But again, I\'m not sure if that\'ll affect your shoulder or not.

All I have to work with are free weights. Would shrugs help. I think I may see if they can go in and maybe just clean it out after September. I have never heard anything good about replacements.
\"midwest\" said:
Had an amazing week of running. Ran a trail race on Saturday and got 5th overall....easily won my age division (geriatric division :lol: ) Then, Sunday, ran the last long run of my marathon training....22.2 miles, ending the biggest mileage week of the program at 61 miles for the week. Now my taper starts and only 3 weeks to Med City Marathon!

I\'ve dropped 17 lbs. since I started this program in January. My legs feel great and I\'m so ready to get this race over with!
Way to go Nick! I hate running, but the thought of dropping 17lbs sure sounds intriguing... :think:
\"cohunter14\" said:
Way to go Nick! I hate running, but the thought of dropping 17lbs sure sounds intriguing... :think:

Thanks! Even with all the mileage, I still had to really clean up my diet to be able to drop the weight. It sucks but I can pack on the pounds really easy because I love to eat! ....and beer. :problem:

Congrats to everyone workin hard...I love reading about everyone\'s progress!
Marathon complete! Had a great run with friends and well exceeded my goal to get under 3-1/2 hrs. with a 3:26:20 finish time...7:52 pace. Boston 2018 here I come!

Also got to meet and have dinner with Gary (zpd307) who ran the half marathon. Great guy and we\'re both stoked about the amazing elk hunts we have coming up in September. It was funny....two guys from the midwest and neither one of us are much excited about whitetails. Only want to talk about elk. Good luck in Wyo, Gary!
You guys slackin or what? Pretty quiet on the workout thread.

I know Brad and Aaron have been doing some weighted hikes.

I\'ve been running, swimming, and doing my kickboxing/lifting class. Shooting most every day but it\'s been close range while I tweak in my new rig and work on improving my form.

I have an 8K race coming up 4th of July. It\'s a large race that pays out to the winners so there will be a few Kenyan\'s there. Pretty cool to see those guys and gals fly! Then I have my first triathlon the weekend after the 4th. Olympic distance....hope I don\'t drown!
I have been trying to keep things going, but I hurt my back working out six weeks ago and it still isn\'t back to 100%. I have had to shuffle some things up because of that, but it hasn\'t stopped me. Hopefully the back heals up soon and I can return to hitting it hard!
I\'m down to 175lbs, sprinting 2 miles with ease, and killing it in the gym!

Man this is going to be such a good year!!!!
\"cohunter14\" said:
I have been trying to keep things going, but I hurt my back working out six weeks ago and it still isn\'t back to 100%. I have had to shuffle some things up because of that, but it hasn\'t stopped me. Hopefully the back heals up soon and I can return to hitting it hard!

To teach others what not to do explain how you hurt your back. Too much weight or bad position?

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