My cell phone pics are not the greatest but I\'m really happy with him!
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Here\'s a quick recap of my hunt down in Missouri. I loaded up my truck after work on Friday evening and headed south about 5:00 Sat morning. After a 13 hour drive I didn\'t think was going to end I arrived in town and got my tags and pulled into my cousins place. After a tour of his place and...
I just got done with my app for the MN elk draw. The odds are not great as there are only 5 bull tags in one area and 2 in another. It is a once in a lifetime hunt if you are drawn. I applied for one of the 2, less people apply for them. It\'s hard to believe but there are some huge bulls taken...
My wife asked me to make some jerky out of my MN tom I shot. I made some last year from a recipe she found online. It was ok. I picked up a different flavor Hi Mountain seasoning to try. I have used it for venison and elk jerky and everyone in my family likes it. Simple it make.
Now that I\'m done turkey hunting it was time to get the boat on the lake again. Perfect morning for fishing walleyes. Storm moving in and a nice chop on the water.
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I even caught me some lunch.
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Was able to head down for a quick hunt with my daughter this weekend. Only saw on Tom and he had a girlfriend again. Been the story of my spring hunts so far. But I was able to call her into my hen decoys again and she was not happy with those loud...
After a wet and cold hunt I was finally able to get a tom. They would not come to decoys or calling. Only way I was able to finally get him was I was able to make friends with a young hen who liked hanging out by my blind. The second day having her hanging around the tom I was after noticed her...
I have been doing some long overdue gear sorting and organizing this cold weekend. I\'m going through everything I have and found some memories from my youth. I know some of you will recognize these.
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I haven\'t had much to update till today. He has been up and down a lot with his white blood count so some weeks he has not been able to get his treatments. He was able to get his bone marrow biopsy and as of today he is finally in remission. His final treatment will be 12/28/2018. Still has a...
I was talking to my wife today and she said you want to go back don\'t you. I said heck yes I want to I would go back in a heartbeat. Don\'t help that my cousin texted me my uncle got a 5/5 this morning. She says to me then go :shock: I about fell over when she said that.
I am thinking hard...
My wife called me crying and told me my grandson who will be 2 next month has been sick. They have been doing tests on him and found out today that he has Luckeimia . Sorry don\'t know how to spell that. They are starting chemotherapy on him Friday so unless I get a elk in the next two hours...
I have a question for those of you who shoot arrows with wraps on them. I just bought some more of the same arrows I always shoot but now they come with wraps on them. Do you have to do any prep to the wrap before you glue a vane on them? Never used them before.
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