2016 Season Workout

shoulder and back this morning...took a break over the weekend and worked the labs. Body needed the break, but back to it this morning!!
I\'ve been up to 10 minutes on the bike for a few days now and it was feeling pretty good... :D :D

But yesterday I told my wife that since she has been griping about have to mow the yard (about 2 acres) I would do it for her now... :silent: :silent:

I did it and when I was done told her she could gripe all she wants to for a while long... :D :D

It kick my butt since I forgot to turn on my little portable oxygen tank.... Mowed the whole thing on my own with no help from the oxygen... :lol: :lol: I knew something was wrong but was to stubborn to quit until I got it done... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I don\'t think i\'ll try that again for a while anyway... :D :D

So I\'m still at 10 minutes and not forgetting to turn on the oxygen.... :train: :train:
Sounds like things are improving Phil. Keep up the exercise.

I did a lot of steps yesterday. 15 flights is a great workout when you do it 4 times in one afternoon. Still doing pushups. I had no upper back pains in Kansas :D and really none in the last few months. Time to throw on the pack and do some hikes.
I took a couple days off from my morning hikes, but was back at it this morning - 2 miles pumping iron
Now that results are out and I know I\'ll be chasing barbary sheep in some tough country, I now have extra motivation. Not to mention that once I found out I\'ll be hunting elk, I\'ll be kicking everything else into high gear!!!!!

Im gonna start going wild and get into my best shape every!
\"iccyman001\" said:
Now that results are out and I know I\'ll be chasing barbary sheep in some tough country, I now have extra motivation. Not to mention that once I found out I\'ll be hunting elk, I\'ll be kicking everything else into high gear!!!!!

Im gonna start going wild and get into my best shape every!

Just remeber that off days to allow your body to recover are just as important! Get after it!!!

Chest workout yesterday, and did legs this morning
I copied this from another forum. I revised it little bit. Lots of truth to it!!!!

It is really hard to see the change of bowhunters today! You have to fill a tee shirt that bulges, and do 200 hundred sit ups a day, and have 2% body fat and run 17 miles to kill and elk. Then you have to tweet and face book all of your daily experiences for 200 likes. What happened to a slap on the back! My elk made my pants button pop as I packed him out on my back. I do not agree with it all. Can most of the best hunters still out hunt these young guys Hell Yes! Ok I walked 8 hour plus straight this year to get to my truck after my elk hunt. Yea I am nearly 70 years old. I guess it was to just to get to my Geritol! We need to understand the new standard for these hunters to rely on social media. It is their back slap! We relied on the real thing and they rely on the 200 likes! :train: :haha:
Bill, all I can say is old fat guys rule.... :upthumb: :upthumb: :upthumb:

At least some of the time... :lol: :lol:

This old fat guy is still at it on the stationary bike... 10 minutes and holding.... :train: :train: :D :D
Went turkey hunting and scouting yesterday in Oklahoma.
7-8 miles covered with a 50 lb pack... and shot a small jake!
\">>>---WW---->\" said:
I copied this from another forum. I revised it little bit. Lots of truth to it!!!!

It is really hard to see the change of bowhunters today! You have to fill a tee shirt that bulges, and do 200 hundred sit ups a day, and have 2% body fat and run 17 miles to kill and elk. Then you have to tweet and face book all of your daily experiences for 200 likes. What happened to a slap on the back! My elk made my pants button pop as I packed him out on my back. I do not agree with it all. Can most of the best hunters still out hunt these young guys Hell Yes! Ok I walked 8 hour plus straight this year to get to my truck after my elk hunt. Yea I am nearly 70 years old. I guess it was to just to get to my Geritol! We need to understand the new standard for these hunters to rely on social media. It is their back slap! We relied on the real thing and they rely on the 200 likes! :train: :haha:

I love seeing this change. Please show me the down side. A group of hunters dedicated to a healthy lifestyle as well as a hunting lifestyle. These guys inspire! Guys like Corey Jacobsen, Cameron Hanes, Dan Staton, Aron Snyder along with the Gritty Bowman crew, and many other non-celebrity guys I know personally....a much better hunter image than the beer guzzlin\', fat slob, good ol\' boy, stereotypical image that many non-hunters have. (not that there\'s anything wrong with beer guzzlin\' :upthumb: )

If posting your fitness goals, your workouts, your gym selfies, your clean eating meals, your accomplishments helps to keep you accountable and motivated to stay or get fit....I\'m all for it! To me, it\'s no different than someone posting a bunch of scouting pics, trail cam pics, and then the trophy pic. I love seeing it all! Some negative people will put you down but others will be inspired to make a change in their own lifestyle. A change from eating McDonalds and drinking beer every night to cleaning up their diet and lacing up for a run. And this spreads to their family, their friends, and their co-workers. I\'ve seen it happen over and over.

None of the guys listed above have ever once said you have to be able to do 200 situps, run 17 miles, etc. But no one can deny the better shape you\'re in, the better you are going to be able to hunt the tough hunts. It could even make the difference between making that 8 hour hike back to your truck when you\'re 70 and still being able to make that same hike when you\'re 80. I need that extra time in the field to increase my opportunities because I\'m not that great of a hunter...lol.

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