2016 Season Workout

No exercise for a week due to recent operation ... definitely feeling the lower energy level.
I have been power walking 1.5 miles each morning carrying two 10lb dumb bells and doing curls, shoulder shrugs, and flys.
A great way to start the day in the pre-dawn light.
I\'m still riding my stationary bike at least once a day and sometimes twice... :D :D

I\'m sure my workout pales to what all of ya\'ll are doing... ;) ;)
this morning was all around workout...hit back, chest, legs, and shoulders with one excercise each...will do a couple 2-3 miles hikes this weekend with 40# in pack...come on September!!!
i dont drive anymore.

i\'ve taken to commuting to work on my bicycle. 11 miles one way. i go fast to work..i sprint home.

it is crazy how my food intake is ramping up..by simply doing this. i need to control it, but i\'m hungry 24/7.

time to join a gym.
cliff, I have noticed that with all the work I am doing around my new country home, that I am also hungry all the time.....
\"zpd307\" said:
cliff, I have noticed that with all the work I am doing around my new country home, that I am also hungry all the time.....

Yep keep busy and you burn calories just like exercising. I eat at 04:30, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, and 21:00.
30 mins of cardio last night after work and then chest, shoulders and tris today. I feel better the last 30 days than I have in a long time.
2.5 mile hike with 40# in pack....same thing for tomorrow. Took the labs with me today, and they are curled at my feet tuckered out!!
\"N&N Waterfowl\" said:
2.5 mile hike with 40# in pack....same thing for tomorrow. Took the labs with me today, and they are curled at my feet tuckered out!!

That is awesome! I love taking the pups out for a hike, that are the best. :upthumb:
Keep up the hard work :train:
Just completed my leg workout... Oh how I hate leg day but it will pay off in September. Cardio tonight after work.

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