2016 Season Workout

Thanks, Phil!!!!!

I was still hurting from my my hike yesterday, but still ran, did arms, pushups and core. :train:
My running mileage is starting to ramp up in preparation for my marathon in Oct. Ran a local 5k last Saturday....20:28, then 8 miles on Sunday.

Last night was strength, working chest and shoulders.

Tonight, a buddy and I are running the 7 miles to our kickboxing class.

Hill sprints/speed work tomorrow night.

Lifting again Thursday night.

Spartan team workout Friday night

This weekend\'s long run will be 12 miles.

Geez Nick!

By September you will be able to run to Colorado, kickbox an elk to death, and run back to Iowa!
\"cnelk\" said:
Geez Nick!

By September you will be able to run to Colorado, kickbox an elk to death, and run back to Iowa!

LOL...Keep a good thought.....somehow those dang elk always seem to kickbox ME to death!
2 miles with 50+ in the pack, followed by some shooting. I think I\'ve gotten a little bit of string stretch as I\'ve been hitting slightly low recently, but groups are still pretty good. Started at 60 and then this was 40 yards... damn! Still haven\'t been able to separate them.
28 miles on the road bike. measured out the half marathon course to get it certified. it had to be measured twice.....
\"vanish\" said:
2 miles with 50+ in the pack, followed by some shooting. I think I\'ve gotten a little bit of string stretch as I\'ve been hitting slightly low recently, but groups are still pretty good. Started at 60 and then this was 40 yards... damn! Still haven\'t been able to separate them.

Good shooting!!!!
No workouts this week. I have had a headache 4 days running. Woke at 3am with my eyes hurting BAD and my head hurt just to lay it on the pillow. Sinus headaches SUCK! The meds are just enough to keep the nausea away. :sick:
\"vanish\" said:
2 miles with 50+ in the pack, followed by some shooting. I think I\'ve gotten a little bit of string stretch as I\'ve been hitting slightly low recently, but groups are still pretty good. Started at 60 and then this was 40 yards... damn! Still haven\'t been able to separate them.

Way to go on your shooting and work outs... :upthumb: :upthumb:

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