2016 Season Workout

\"iccyman001\" said:
I just worked out my arms and I can barely type. :upthumb:

These workouts are really picking up and I like it. :upthumb:

You might want to cut back on the arm workout. I thought you and the Mrs. were trying for a child.
I finally got my shoulder feeling good. I am back to my daily pushups. Going on a hike tonight looking for sheds and a couple tree rats before season ends.
To complete my 5 day split, I ended with a crushing shoulder workout!!!!

Seated DB press
Clean and presses
isolation stuff using cables
hit some rotator cuff exercises
front raises

Now I am feeling great :train:

Time to go rip some door handles off.
Dear Diary,

Today I killed my legs and things are really on track for an amazing elk hunting season :lol:
Please do more cardio though.
Guess I am the only one prepping for my hunts :D

Today was a shoulder and rotator cuff day.
This year has been off to a really good start. I cannot wait to hit the woods :upthumb:
\"iccyman001\" said:
Guess I am the only one prepping for my hunts :D

Don\'t worry Dan. You are not alone. I am still chugging along with my daily routine. I am ready for spring. I am anxious to get back on the bike for some leg work. Ice one day mud the next around here. I might have to just haul it down to a hard road for a ride. :think:
Believe it or not, I\'ve actually started hitting the gym. Not trying to go overboard, but would just like to tone up a bit. Most of what I\'m doing is weights, but doing low sets and high reps to get the endurance training. I\'m hoping to keep it up so by hunting season I\'ll feel even better in the woods than I did last year.
will my moving to a new house count :dk:
we started last night, I have the weekend off, so we should have a huge chunk of it done by then. it helps that I am only moving about a mile away :D
\"zpd307\" said:
will my moving to a new house count :dk:
we started last night, I have the weekend off, so we should have a huge chunk of it done by then. it helps that I am only moving about a mile away :D

It counts. Moving is heavy work. Especially when you wife doesn\'t remove anything from the dresser drawers. :train:
ouch..... I have moved too many times growing up, to make hat mistake....
and I am still rocking push ups, sit ups, and jumping jacks!
Doing 3 miles almost daily. Getting easy. Will add another mile this weekend or take it back to the dirt trail. Rain dependent.

I\'m worried about my shoulders. Dull ache most of the time. Finally figured out the trigger word to get my doc to pay attention, \" hey doc, this is starting to affect my sleep\".

X-ray is the first useless step. I need a MRI. I\'ll keep self advocating for a solution.

No weight lifting for me.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.
Heal up, Cliff!

My elk workouts have also turned into what my wife calls my \"beach bod\" workouts.
I guess if you live near a beach you\'re suppose to look good or something?

Not sure why, it\'s not like the fish I\'ll be reeling in will care. :mock:
I landed in WY last year weighing about 252-255ish. I was at around 240 the first of November. I am now probably 245 or so now. I put on quite a few pounds eating whatever wasn\'t nailed down over the holidays. I would like to hit WY this fall at 230. At 6\'4\" that is a good weight for me. I could weigh less but at 230-235 I feel great and can go pretty hard. My goal is basically to be in better shape than I was last year and build on that every year. Weight is only one of the indicators for me as to my fitness level. How I am able to hike and then recover is the biggest factor. I don\'t have altitude in KY for training but I can mimic elevation gain and loss very similar to the west.
Just had a killer chest workout with core.
Tonight will be probably 30-60 minutes of fast walking. :train:
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31 flights of stairs in turnout gear, I did the first 6 on air....


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Nice Gary. :upthumb:

I did the scba trailer from H_ _ L Wednesday and my shoulder still hurts.

What do you mean the frost is out. Still 8 feet in the roads here. :lol:

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