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  1. R

    Weird question

    When an average sized bull elk is facing you how wide is he shoulder to shoulder? Also what is the size opening of the kill zone for that shot? I would like to make a target to practice the shot but i want to make sure I have the dimensions correct.  Thanks Rich
  2. R

    Elk101 Store

    I was on the ELK101 store looking at game calls and was wondering when the combo packs of diaphragm would be available again? They are all sold out.... good for you guys but not so good for me :) 
  3. R

    Primos Big Bulls 19

    Does anyone know when the new Primos video will be out? I know it's not very realistic in the fact that they hunt private ranches but they put together and awesome video and great footage!
  4. R

    Let's see it

    Chill R
  5. R

    Well... It's that time

    Who's headed out this week and when? We leave Tuesday after work for 10 days to central colorado DIY
  6. R


    I just wanted to say thanks for your service to our awesome country. It's because of you that we are get to do what we do. Thanks Rich
  7. R

    EXO Mountain Pack

    Has anyone tried the EXO Mountain Pack? I've been reading some reviews on it and am very intrigued to say the least. I like the looks of the 3500. I think it'd be a great day/bivy pack. Looking for positive and negative reviews so if anyone has any info please share. Thanks Rich
  8. R

    Badlands 2800 for sale

    I have a "like new" Badlands 2800 for sale if anyone is interested. $175 obo via Paypal.
  9. R

    Good luck all...

    To all the guys and gals headed out to the high country this fall good luck and be safe. I won't be in the mountains this fall but I'll be back next year. Again good luck and I look forward to reading the stories when you're all back.
  10. R

    Ulmer Edge

    So what does everyone think of these broadheads? I'm sure it's been discussed already but i didn't want to gosearch for it.
  11. R

    Hey Corey

    Isn't it about time for the weekly "Guess the score" thread to start back up? I don't think we have to have prizes or anything. It was always fun to see everyone's guesses.
  12. R

    Thanks Vets

    I just wanted to say thanks to all the vets and active duty guys and gals out there. It's because of you all of us enjoy the life we do. Thanks and God bless you...
  13. R

    Dirt Nap Broadheads

    Has anyone tried these ok elk or anything for that matter?
  14. R

    Site question for Corey

    Have you ever thought about making tab that would show all new threads from any of the different forums? Kinda like the resent post on the upper right side of the site. Thanks Rich
  15. R

    CO OTC or WY General

    Ok - If you had the choice of either hunting a Wyoming General area or a Colorado OTC area which would you pick and why would you pick it? I'm think of next year now. I'll have two points in Wyoming for next years draw.
  16. R

    Eberlestock RMEF Pack

    Does anyone have one of these? If so what are your likes and dislikes. Thanks Rich
  17. R

    It's SEPTEMBER!!!

    So I didn't quite make my goal weight but I drop 30 of the 40 lbs I wanted. We are leaving for central Colorado (unit 33 if anyone knows where there's a legal bull or a big fat cow) on Thursday after work. I was planning on shooting my new Rage Hypodermic's but read about a gentleman that had...
  18. R

    It’s August

    How is everyone doing on their goals for the upcoming season? I received a disturbing phone call from my dad Tuesday after work. He said he blew his knee out “it’s as big as a volleyball” he stated. So that kind of sucks to say the least. He is still planning on going but he may just be the...
  19. R

    It’s JULY…

    Well we are getting closer… Where is everyone at with preparations? My gear list is down to only needing a couple things Sleeping Bag (good one) Water filtration pump (not sure what kind yet) Havalon Knife I’m sure there is more but this is on the “must have” list. Workouts are going...
  20. R

    Core 4 Element question

    I’m in need of a new coat and I really like the reviews on the C4 Element Jacket. My questions are – How warm is it? Will it be suitable for sitting in a treestand for long hours back in the Midwest in late November? Rich

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