Search results

  1. M

    Ugh...LH or RH?

    I decided to start over with archery. I never received much instruction. Today, I did a lesson with an archery coach. She never assumes anything. She had me shoot a LH and RH recurve. I am right handed, left eye dominate. My right eye is very has a weak eye muscle which gets better if...
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    2016 Colorado Big Game Brochure Available Online Deadline: April 5, 2016 Good Luck!
  3. M

    Happy Chinese New Year (8th) and Fat Tuesday (9th)!

    SB50 party is a distance memory (not). Need an excuse to get through the rest of the SB50 party food and drink? February 8th is Chinese New Year, Year of the Monkey...perhaps our friend on here can tell us what that means...hint, hint. February 9th is Fat Tuesday Party on...a Broncos SB50 win...
  4. M

    Hook Release tips

    Rather than post this on Aaron\'s thread. This may help others who wish to switch from caliper to a hook release. Hook Release wrist strap tips: [list] Adjust the buckle strap so there is very little give when pulling on it. If needed, punch another hole in the strap.[/*:m:31r3undx] Adjust the...
  5. M

    MtnMutt\'s 2015 Field Journal

    2015 Colorado Archery 3 tags: Elk Either-sex, elk antlerless, deer either sex, small game tag First season hunting deer in same unit as elk. 2014/2015 Winter Above avg snows Late snows - cows and calves stayed longer near calving area than normal. Very wet Spring & Summer Spring & Summer...
  6. M

    Thank You! Good Luck!

    Many thanks to all BTO members who gave their time to mentor us in our quest to punch our elk tags. My thanks includes the new elk hunters. You asked questions that I never thought to ask. Looking forward to hearing the stories. Both successful and unsuccessful hunts. Unsuccessful hunts...
  7. M

    Have any Tyvek?

    Does anyone have any spare Tyvek? I had a full sheet of polycryo to make my ground sheet for my new tent BA Copper Spur 2UL. Unfortunately, the full size polycryo was too narrow by 12\". I need a piece of Tyvek 90\"x52\". I would pay for postage. If everyone is busy, I can wait on it until...
  8. M

    How to Hunt a Bench?

    I have a Bench that holds elk for all of September. It rarely has hunters because access is hell. 80% of the approaches to the bench are extremely steep with talus (rock field) crossings. The only easy slope access is a very long trek, but still has some talus to cross. The fastest access is...
  9. M

    Fletching glue

    I damaged my fastset glue\'s applicator, so I had to use other glue in my archery box that is probably 3 years old: Bohning fletch-tite platinum It is horrible. It flows like water and has way too big a hole in the applicator. At least they are only practice arrows where I was experimenting...
  10. M

    Transmission Issue?

    I recently did a service check for my 1998 Honda Civic Hatchback manual transmission with 176,000 miles. I told the shop about a hard to get into reverse issue and an occasional shuddering while driving. If you ever had a car with a carburetor, it acts a little like a stuck carburetor which I...
  11. M

    Tips on Road Conditions & Weather

    For CO, check for road conditions and construction. You may download a phone app. CPW just issued a press release of a major construction project for Hwy 9 Summit County to Kremmling. As some may know, the BLM land there is a major winter concentration area, therefore, animal hits...
  12. M

    Archery: Downhill leg on steep slopes

    Today, I shot at a walking range with very steep slopes. Most of the ground was dirt with pea gravel. Slopes were 15-25 degrees. Fortunately, my hunting area does not have pea gravel on the ground. I had a lot of trouble keeping my downhill foot in place when I drew my bow back. I don\'t...
  13. M

    Hunting in the Rain

    Since I have no tracking experience, I have wondered if I should hunt when it is raining? I have hunted in morning and evening rain. My advanced bowhunting class did a mock blood trail for us to follow. Last season, an elk hunting veteran showed me in the woods how to look around to find...
  14. M

    CO OTC & OTC with caps on sale at 9 am July 21st

    In case you wish a CO bear tag or want your OTC in your hands now... Over-the-counter with caps licenses (bear and elk) are licenses that are limited in number and only available first-come, first-served starting at 9am? MDT? o?n July 21. For Dan\'s question on the Deer forum... Unlimited...
  15. M

    Pay It Forward...Miss September Montana Elk Decoy The url lists the dimensions. I cannot be trusted to use a silver bowl of destiny. Therefore, I will use Your number is assigned in the order you reply to this thread starting with 1. I will list the...
  16. M

    BA Copper Spur UL2

    Anyone have the BA Copper Spur UL2? Most reviews appear to be favorable. The negatives point to an issue in heavy wind. I may be doing more spike camps in September. For 4 years, I have used a BA Fly Creek UL2. Great tent, however, my older body doesn\'t like the door placement. Despite doing...
  17. M

    Stashing Spike Camp Gear

    I am considering stashing some spike camping gear in August. How do you stash your gear? This is gear only, such as, tent, sleeping pad, stove and small cooking pot. It will be there up to 6 weeks. At my base camp, squirrels have a bad habit of chewing my tent\'s webbing. How do you protect...
  18. M

    Hunting Mule Deer

    I need a lot of the basic information of hunting mule deer in the CO mountains. I only started 2 years ago. I already knew where the deer were in my deer unit from previous backpacking trips into that Wilderness area. Spot and stalk worked for that deer unit. 2 yearlings came through my camp...
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    Evaluate This Picture

    This is a picture of one of the beaver ponds along a very narrow creek that runs for miles. All features in this photo can easily be seen using Google Earth. Tell me what you think of this picture and what it means to you? Within a couple days, I will give more information about the area and...
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    Scouting Trip Reports

    I was wondering if everyone would care to share summer scouting trip reports and photos as the summer progresses? There are some members who do not have the luxury of summer scouting trips. You do not need to give your unit. I personally would not since non-members can search this site. Here is...